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Observation-Evaluation Tips—Competency 4 d, e, f

Competency 4 remains such a big thorn for so many of us because of the added weight in our annuals. 

Year long indicators for Competency 4:

4d. Using Data. Teacher tracks assessment data to understand each student’s progress toward mastery and uses results to guide planning and instruction.

4e. Understanding of Growth. Teacher can articulate specifically (and with evidence) whether or not each student has internalized grade-level standards and, if not, what s/he still needs to learn.

4f. Progress Toward Goals. Data reflect that students are mastering the objectives of the focus areas, leading toward mastery of grade-level standards. 

For History/Social Studies/LAL use: Newsela (

It syncs up with Google classroom and adds all your students to your classes.  You can assign to individual students, whole classes etc.  The articles adjust Lexile scores to students' levels as they complete each article and it tracks standards.  It scores the multiple choice for you and you can score the writing. 

You can put these results in a spreadsheet and put that in your portfolio.  Add it to your lesson plan and include tailoring as you adjust levels for the students.  Reflect on how students are making progress and alter your lesson plans based on that progress. 

It's an easy tool to boost your Competency 4!  PLUS you can get a PD certificate if you take the Newsela Workshops they offer!  Master it and Turnkey it...and boost Competency 5 collaboration! 

For Math and Science people...explore Khan Academy!

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