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Employee Assistance Program

The Staff at Union Workforce Initiative understands that our Union Members are facing more difficult issues this year than ever before, Covid mandates, changes in the workplace, increased workloads, and other outside forces may be altering the way that you approach your job and the world beyond your work environment.

If stress, anxiety, and behavioral/substance abuse health affect your already complex daily routines, there is help available to our members. Union Workforce Initiative offers a confidential, no cost consultation to all our members and their families 24 hours a day, seven days a


Note: There is a difference between a Union-Sponsered EAP and a district-sponsered EAP.  This information is being provided so you know all your options, but we highly reccomend that you use the NTU EAP program.

Link to NBOE Website

The EAP is a benefit provided by your employer to help you manage work/life problems and achieve a healthy work/life balance. Think of EAP as your professional support system. Whatever your concern or worry might be, your EAP counselors are here to help. When you call, professional counselors will listen to you, assess your situation, then guide and coach you. The