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NPS sent out the following email detailing the changes to Health and Perscription Benefits negotiated in our new contract:


**This email contains important information about your upcoming change in benefits, effective August 1, 2017.**

As you know, the NTU contract which was recently ratified includes changes to your medical and prescription benefits. This email, along with the accompanying attachment, summarizes the changes and important next steps for the August 1st change. We are committed to a smooth transition and want to ensure you have as much information as possible prior to the


From NJ.Com

Lisa Fischman has a monster in her classroom.

His name is the More Monster and he eats, well, more. More potato chips, more pizza, more pickles, whatever food there's a greater number of, the More Monster eats it, inspiring giggles from the children in Fischman's class.

When Fischman starts drawing pictures of food on her whiteboard, the kids know what is coming: "He wants to eat things that are...," she began.

"More," the 5 and 6 year olds said in unison.

The monster -- a greater-than symbol with teeth drawn inside of it -- is one of Fischman's many creations used to blur the lines



1). Calendar Update  - As you are all aware, your employers have decided to cut short your Summer vacation an entire week with little notice.  While we are working hard to ensure that you don't have to come back so soon, the most powerful way to make that happen is in the strong hearts and hands of NTU Members. 

Many of you have vacation plans, many of you have to take your kids off to college, many of you planned on relaxing.  How many of you will take your concerns to where your employer must listen to you?  How many will take the time to tell your employer that you are tired of



 1) Calendar Update - On Friday, May 26th at 2 p.m. the NPS provided us with a draft of SY17/18 Calendar.  NTU President John M. Abeigon and the NTU Negotiations Team had numerous concerns about the calendar.   We shared those concerns on Tuesday morning in a meeting with NPS senior staff.  

Today the NPS FINALLY released the calendar. While many issues we brought up have been resolved, the district has chosen to start the school year on August 28, effectively trying to turn NTU members into 11 month employees.  To prevent rumor, THIS WAS NOT NEGOTIATED IN OUR NEW CONTRACT.  We


Christie wants to replace three State Board of Education members with teacher hating scum as punishment for supporting our teaching certificates. If you're as sick of it as I am, call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and tell their aides to tell them to vote are their phone numbers. Bury them!


The University High School Lady Phoenix cheerleaders went down to Jackson,
NJ on Saturday, May 20th and competed in the Annual Six Flags Cheerfest.
They took 2nd place in the Varsity High School division. Congratulations
ladies under the direction of UHS Alum, Yazmin Seabrook! Stand Up!