I want to thank all of you and express our deepest admiration for all that you are doing during this national health crisis to promote the ongoing distance learning/distance teaching and supplemental services that is taking place in the state’s largest school system. You’re doing a great job!!
While our return to work date is still indefinite, we do have some good news to share. Many of our tasks will soon be online: lesson plans, I.E.P.’s, etc. Also, we have been able to confirm that Spring Recess 2020 is still on the calendar and will be followed.
Working together with the New Jersey Dept of Education, we can share with you that they will be posting remote resource pages by the end of the week on their website. Also, they are preparing guidance for school districts that relate to flexibility in accounting and reporting grades, and most importantly teacher evaluations. [See Below]
Lastly, we continue to monitor undue hardship being rained upon some of our members, especially teacher/parents whose own children are home due to the statewide school closure. Please continue to share with us any unreasonable demands or lack of sympathy or unwillingness to compromise a reasonable solution by your administrator, with supporting documentation.
Be Well,
John M Abeigon
President & Director of Organization
Newark Teachers Union, Local 481, AFT, AFL-CIO
While nothing is finalized as of yet, the State Board of Education along with key players from all unions are in the process of developing the necessary guidance to districts about how this school year will impact annuals and ratings. As soon as more concrete information becomes available we will inform you.
· Starting on Monday 3/30 Teacher Talks/ Principal Points will be coming out again.
· Starting April 6 all lesson plans will be online (no more packets)
· No calendar dates have changed
· Staff who are not responding to communications and reasonable directives from their supervisors will be docked. Use your sick/personal as you would normally to avoid being docked pay.
· Use your normal, principal-approved assessments and measures for grading
· Long-term subs who continue to do the work required by that vacancy will continue to be paid
· As per state and county guidance, Per Diem Aides are to apply for Unemployment Insurance.