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1)       Respect the Contract: Attendance Counselors - Teachers, Aides and Clerks are NOT Attendance Counselors!! If the NPS wants Attendance Counselors then they should call them back to work. Schools have been asking staff to call parents any time their students are absent during their lunch or perp periods.  There isn't enough time in your day; instruction, prep periods, etc are NOT to be used to do someone else's job. Use the tools in our Respect the Contract toolkit to protect yourself!

2)       Respect the Contract: Prep Period Survey - Prep Periods are NOT free periods...they


ARE YOU LOSING YOUR PREPS??? Are they having a “lack of sub emergency” every day? Are you NOT getting paid for your coverage? Start Respecting  the Contract.


“In case of emergency, which shall include an unavailability of sufficient per diem substitutes on a particular day, teachers in school, elementary, secondary, or special, shall be permitted during their preparation periods, if they so elect to volunteer, to substitute for an absent teacher. Any teacher performing such duties shall be compensated on the basis of one-fifth (1/5th) of the per diem substitute


Prep Periods are NOT free periods...they are periods where you, as a teacher, prepare your lessons, or for your lessons, meet with principal or his/her designee, meet with parents, or students, or other teachers (PLCs).

You need this VALUABLE time to review and prepare so you can continue to be an effective teacher.

If you have been compelled to COVER CLASSES, or LOSE PREPS for ANY reason, please complete this IMPORTANT form so the NTU can assist you in recovering your CONTRACTUALLY PROTECTED TIME

Click here for survey


September 28, 2016

Parents, Students, and Community Leaders,

The Newark Public Schools recently sent out a communication about their decision to close schools on Election Day, looking to blame teachers for any inconvenience that it may cause. The NPS seeks to blame everyone else for their mistakes and attempts to nullify a law that clearly states “No teaching staff member shall be required to perform his duties on any day declared by law to be a public holiday.”

Among the lies in their communication:

1) “[When presented with the calendar in June], NTU leadership raised no concerns regarding


We are pleased to announced that the Newark Public Schools has decided to respect your legal rights and will be closed on Election Day.  NPS sent out the below letter this afternoon.  I will note there is quite a bit of mislead information in the below email.

1) At that time, NTU leadership raised no concerns regarding Election Day not being observed as a holiday this year.

When NPS officials sat down with NTU leadership to discuss the calendar in June 2016, this very concern was brought up by NTU and dismissed by NPS. This issue has been raised many times as a concern of NTU, especially since