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Let's get to the Facts on Charter Schools. Tell your state legislator we need to revisit the Moratorium on Charter School Bill before we're faced with more devastating budget cuts to public education. Help us stop them by clicking on this link...


More good news!

40+ Aides and Clerks are being moved from "temporary" back to "Permanent" Civil Service positions and retain their accumulated days. We know that the waiting was long, but thanks for believing in us when we told you we were right--the district can't run without you. Welcome, back.

Last Wednesday, the Newark City Planning Commission voted 8-1 in favor of allowing North Star to continue expanding their charter school operations in Newark.  The proposed campus (where the old Star Ledger used to be) will house 1300 students ranging from elementary to high school.  We have said over and over again, we are at war, and the cost of losing this war will be the end of public education in Newark.

With the community, we are asking for a massive “WALK IN” at Monday night’s Advisory Board meeting.  It is vital that we come out in force!  The meeting starts at 6 PM.  We want everyone


Yesterday, we received the following communication from one of our attorneys regarding several cases we had before NJ PERC (New Jersey's Public Employment Relations Commission):

John and Gene:

                Attached, please find PERC’s Initial Decision on our motion for summary judgment concerning the NTU’s Charge over:  (1) the denial and/or interference with NJEA Convention Leave; (2) Refusal to Provide the names of ineffective teachers; and (3) the blocking of John’s email.  I am pleased to inform you that the Hearing Examiner ruled in favor of the NTU on nearly all aspects of the charge.


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