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Day After A Holiday


United States

3. ABSENCE BEFORE AND AFTER A HOLIDAY All employees are required to work the last scheduled working day before and the next scheduled working day following the scheduled holiday(s). Failure to report before and after the scheduled holiday shall result in loss of pay for said occurrence.

4. EXCEPTIONS: Personal days, extended sick leave, and short term sick leave. In the case of short term sick leave the employee must submit medical certification from a licensed physician or hospital, including a diagnosis, verifying that s/he was either physically unable to perform his/her duties or that s/he was carrying a contagious disease on the day(s) of absence. The medical certificate must be submitted via email, hand-delivery fax, or certified mail to the Office of Employee Services at the Newark Public Schools’ administrative offices within three (3) working days of the date the employee returns to work. The form should not be submitted to your school or department.

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