Message from the Office of the Superintendent Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,
The school year is successfully under way, and our team has witnessed incredible work in action throughout District schools. Please click on the links below to access important information shared during District Staff Convocation 2024: Have a great week of teaching and learning! Superintendent León Yolonda Severe, Deputy Superintendent Sylvia Esteves, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning |
Academic Walkthrough ToolAs you dive into curriculum, and create conducive learning environments for students, please review the following information about the District’s Academic Walkthrough Tool: Domain Descriptions: - Objective and Assessment: Daily posted objectives must align with assessments, ensuring coherence with the curriculum and grade-level standards to promote effective teaching and learning outcomes.
- Standardized Student Notebooks: The standardized notebook serves as a vital tool for students to effectively organize and synthesize classroom information, enhancing their note-taking skills; all notebooks and binders must adhere to the Cornell notes format, and students will be evaluated on their notebooks according to a rubric established by the school to ensure accountability and promote academic success.
- Portfolios: A student portfolio is a comprehensive collection of academic work and educational evidence designed to evaluate coursework quality, track learning progress, assess mastery of grade-level standards, facilitate self-reflection on academic goals, and serve as a lasting archive of achievements and documentation.
- Student Engagement: Student engagement is fostered through a classroom culture that promotes accountability, positive relationships, and addresses the academic, social, and emotional needs of students, supported by evidence such as tracking forms for monitoring mastery, pacing that encourages student responses, and the use of structured verbal, non-verbal, writing, and reading techniques by the teacher to maintain focus and high expectations for all learners.
- Questioning Techniques: Effective questioning techniques are essential for fostering deep and critical thinking, as teachers employ a variety of strategies—such as open-ended, text-based, and cognitively challenging questions—while adapting their approaches to engage all students; these techniques promote purposeful dialogue, encourage student-directed discussions, and facilitate understanding through structured interactions like Turn & Talk and Think-Pair-Share, ultimately allowing both students and teachers to formulate meaningful questions that enhance learning.
- Print Rich Environment: A print-rich environment enhances classroom instruction by providing educational cues such as labeled centers, pictures, word walls with multiple representations, current student work accompanied by rubrics, and content-specific anchor charts created by both teachers and students, thereby fostering an engaging and supportive learning atmosphere.
EdResearch for Recovery 2020 |
I Believe in You Grant Teachers are vital to the success of our students. With the “I Believe in You” grant, teachers will demonstrate how they are helping students learn to think critically and solve problems. Grants in the amount of $1,000 will be issued to every teacher in each school. Grant funds can be used for instructional materials and supplies. See below for further information:
I Believe in My PLC Grant This grant provides teachers, possessing a broad vision of what it means to teach and learn, the resources needed to pursue self-designed professional learning experiences. Teacher teams will work collaboratively to determine how funds will be allocated for the grade level or department. One grant will be allocated per school in the amount of $3,000-$7,000. Grant funds can be used for instructional materials and supplies. See below for further information:
National Board Certification National Board Certification (NBC) is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that goes beyond state licensure. NBC has national standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous certification process. The District attests to the positive effects the NBC process has on their classroom practices and acknowledges the growing body of research that links NBC with improved student achievement.
Interested and want to learn more? |
Agreement for Possession of Personal Cell PhonesPlease review the following information: |
CDC Guidelines for Respiratory Illnesses
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revised its guidelines for those impacted by the recently designated common respiratory diseases, which includes COVID-19. If an individual contracts a respiratory infection, has no symptoms, and has been fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, they may resume their usual activities. If an individual contracts a respiratory infection with symptoms and/or a fever, they may resume their usual activities once their symptoms have improved and they have been fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours without fever-reducing medications. For the first five days after returning to regular activities, these additional measures should be implemented: wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a safe distance from people, gathering outside or in well-ventilated locations, and often-wiping hands and high-touch surfaces. Mandatory testing for a respiratory virus is no longer required. Isolation and quarantine options for COVID-19 have been discontinued in accordance with the most recent guidelines. Additional strategies for combating respiratory viruses include: - Being up to date on recommended vaccines.
- Practicing good hygiene regarding hand washing, sneezing, and coughing.
- Being aware of antiviral treatment options for COVID-19 and influenza.
T&L Extended Classroom Experiences SY 2024-25 (New)Contact: Sylvia Esteves, Office of Teaching and Learning Email: The Office of Teaching and Learning is excited to provide opportunities for all students to extend their learning through outside field experiences! The list below highlights the tentative curriculum-aligned experiences for each grade level. Additional logistical information will be forthcoming from The Office of Teaching and Learning. |
Superintendent Leadership Pipeline SY 24-25 (New)Contact: Matthew Brewster, Office of Staff Development Email: The Superintendent Leadership Pipeline for the 2024-25 school year is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders within our District. This program is divided into two pathways: - Aspiring Leaders, for instructional staff who do not yet hold supervisor or principal certification and are encouraged to pursue further education, and
- Rising Leaders, for those who already hold these certifications and will engage in targeted professional development to enhance their leadership skills.
Join us in shaping the future of education by unlocking your potential and advancing your career.
Interest form link: |
Office of Instructional Technology (New)Contact: Elizabeth Majano, Office of Instructional Technology Email:
The District has purchased access to Education Week for all educators. You can find the link to Education Week in Clever under Professional Development. To claim your free account and read about everything happening in the world of education, including strategies for your classroom, educational trends, and the latest school policies, follow these steps: |
The Office of Special Education (OSE) Updates (New)Contact: Candice Wells, Office of Special Education Email: OSE invites all new Special Education Teachers to join the monthly Special Education Teacher Academy (S.E.T.A.). This workshop is held monthly from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Special Education Teachers new to the District will need access to the EdPlan Platform to access, review, and update IEPs. Teachers can collaborate with case managers to review student IEPs. See attached to sign up for S.E.T.A and/or access to EdPlan. Additional updates and PD opportunities are also available for review: |
PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook Categories (New)Contact: Darren Watsky, Student Information Services Email:
NBOE uses two categories of assignments to determine a student’s grade: Summative Assessments and Formative Assessments. If other categories are used for assignments in PowerTeacher Pro, the assignments will not count for the student’s overall grade. All categories should be made inactive except for the two categories that are District-wide categories in all gradebooks. Use the Inactivating Gradebook Categories document to view and edit your gradebook categories as needed. |
Escrow Program 2024-2025 SY (New)Contact: Maribel James, Human Resource Services Email: Welcome to an Amazing School Year! ESCROW REMINDER: - Escrow Open Enrollment for current and newly hired employees is May 1st through September 15th of each year!
- Employees who are 10-month and 11-month full time employees can now self-enroll, discontinue, and switch options in the Escrow Program.
For more information about refund dates, view deduction selected through ESS (Employee Self Service), instructions on how to enroll; kindly visit our HRS Portal at or view attached QR Code: Escrow-Questions-QR-Code.pdf |
New Teacher Induction - All New Teachers (Including Pathways) (New)Contact: Carlos Reyes, Human Resource Services Email: Be sure to register for the first New Teacher Induction session that will take place on Tuesday, September 10th from 3:30 – 5:30 pm.
All teachers who are new to Newark (regardless of previous years of experience) are expected to attend 6 of the 10 monthly sessions that will be offered this year. Induction sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in collaboration with Montclair State University. September’s session will focus on the Framework and the District’s coaching policies.
The registration and meeting links for each month can be seen HERE. |
Certifications Yearly Reminders (New)Contact: Eboni Woolridge, Office of Staffing Email: The Certification Team is hosting Virtual Office Hours and Certification Trainings throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Register for the Virtual Office Hours and the Trainings by using the following link: Please check NJEdCert to ensure that your Instructional, Educational Services, and Administrator certificates (if applicable) are accurate and up to date. Contact the Certifications team if you are awaiting the issuance of a Provisional or Standard license. The Certifications Team can be reached via email at |
Pathways to Teaching Program Orientation 2024-25 SY (New)Contact: Justine Carter, Office of Staffing Email: Pathways to Teaching Program Orientation 2024-25 SY September 13, 2024 3:30pm (In Person- Location TBD) ** All Pathways to Teaching participants are required to attend. New Hires Reminders Instructional hires must minimally hold a substitute certification, fingerprint approval (receipt), and Physical/TB test before they may begin. This includes Pathways Teachers. |
Connecting with NBOE HRS through Employee Self Service (ESS) and (New)Contact: Randy Schrader, Employee Services Email: Employee Services would like to encourage all staff to become familiar with the two online tools: 24/7 source of information Benefits, Pension, Payroll, and much more.
Employee Self Service (ESS): to complete numerous HR activities, including View Paycheck, update Direct Deposit or W-4, confirm and update Personal Information, and Submit Retirement and Resignation. |
Culture & Climate Annual Calendar SY24-25 (Updated) (New)Contact: Rania Sawaged, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Email: Review the Culture & Climate Calendar SY 2024-2025. This calendar is suggested to be utilized as a guide and reference when planning for required/suggested activities, service/community projects, and additional school events throughout the school year. To streamline the artifact collection process, each month, the principal will designate one person from your school to be in charge of uploading pictures and artifacts to the relevant slide assigned to your school.
Please reference the due dates and directions. |
September Culture and Climate Activities (Updated) (New)Contact: Rania Sawaged, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Email: Take a look at the link below for some great activities you can introduce in your classroom or school to promote awareness for: - Suicide Prevention Week (9/8 - 9/14)
- Peace Week (9/14 - 9/21)
- Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15 - 10/15)
September Suggested Activities |
NPS Maintains a 1:1 Student to Device RatioContact: Abdullah Ansari, Division of Information Technology Email:
The District has purchased a large number of student devices including Chromebooks in the past few years and continues to maintain a 1:1 student to device ratio across all grades, ensuring equitable access to technology for digital learning and online collaboration. Chromebooks are distributed to students in September according to the District’s Chromebook Distribution Formula where students in grades K, 5, and 9 receive the newest Chromebooks in each school’s inventory. Additional information pertinent to the distribution of Chromebooks, as well as the handling of repair and warranty services, can be found in the District’s Updated Chromebook Distribution Formula. The District strives to ensure that all students have working devices at all times. Schools that have followed the established guidelines for the proper management of Chromebooks and that still have students in need of Chromebooks may make requests for new Chromebooks via the Request for New Student Chromebooks template. A single completed template per school is to be sent to the Division of Information Technology by the school principal or a designee. |
Calling All Superintendent's Council of LeadersContact: Shamere Williams, Office of the Deputy Superintendent Email:
This entry serves as a reminder that the Superintendent’s Council of Leaders will meet throughout the 2024-25 SY. The Council of Student Leaders is composed of one student representative from each grade level of every high school. The Council of Parent Leaders is comprised of Parent Liaisons and the leads of the various schools’ parent associations. The Council of Teacher Leaders is made up of representatives from the various elementary grade spans (PK-2, 3-5, and 6-8), as well as representatives from each grade level in the District’s high schools. Additionally, each council has representatives who participate by special invitation. The first round of meetings will take place in October per the details in the link below. Please see your Principal for details. |
Summer ReadingContact: Jazleen Othman, Office of English Language Arts Email:
As you gear up for the new school year, note that students have had the chance to read their summer books and engage in projects that showcase their thinking. To demonstrate their learning, students will also be assigned a writing task in late September. These assignments will factor into Q1 grades. Please incorporate opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of these important summer reads within your class discussions. This will help build their understanding and excitement for reading. |
Arts in ActionContact: Devonne De Nose, Office of Visual and Performing Arts Email: National Arts in Education Week is September 8 - 15, 2024!
Use this flyer to spread awareness and share arts celebrations, experiences, and work from your school here.
SEL/Mental Health Programming and InitiativesContact: Samantha Parreiral, Student Support Services: Office of Student Life Email: The attachment below contains Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health programming and initiatives offered by the Office of Student Life for the 2024-2025 school year: |
Self-Care in the New School Year!!Contact: Jessica Silva, Student Support Services: Office of Student Life Email: Self-Care is the practice of taking time to do things that help you live well and improve your physical and mental health. It can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase energy. Self-care can also help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks. It's important to consider things that are good for your whole self, including your body, mind, and heart. See the link below for links that will be added on all year long for ideas on self-care: |
I&RS ResourcesContact: Jessica Silva, Student Support Services: Office of Student Life Email: VP Leads and I&RS Coordinators are to ensure that teachers, coaches, academic interventionists, and substitutes are aware of any student who has an I&RS Plan. Plans should be reviewed by teachers to ensure students are supported on the first day of school. Each plan is entered/updated on the Power School Special Programs Platform ONLY. Join the I&RS Classroom for the NBOE Toolkit and all protocols, recorded webinars, and procedures. |
NBOE SchooLinks Virtual Parent Information SessionContact: Vernon Pullins Jr, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Email: The Office of Student Life encourages parent(s)/guardian(s) to join us on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 5:00PM via WebEx to learn about our college and career readiness platform known as SchooLinks! SchooLinks provides students with information and opportunities to ensure they are well equipped to plan for and make successful post-secondary decisions. Please post and share the attached flyer with parents and students: We look forward to seeing our parents! |
SchooLinks TrainingContact: Vernon Pullins Jr, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Email: On October 23, 2024, the Office of Student Life will host a SchooLinks training for middle and high school counselors. The location is to be determined. This is a full day training session. The purpose of this training is to provide new and returning school counselors with a refresher on the SchooLinks platform and user-interface. Users will experience working with, but not limited to, College Application Manager (CAM), College Financing Tracker (CFT), Curriculum setup, Scope and Sequence, and critical software/platform updates for the end-user. |
NBOE in the NewsStay informed on everything happening within Newark Public Schools and the Newark Board of Education! Read up on all of the many ways the district is garnering media coverage. Press Releases Sep 05, 2024: District Puts Newark Families On A “Road Trip to Pre-K” |
 | Teacher Talk is emailed every other Monday. The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. |
Contact Us To support and encourage highly effective instruction, Teacher Talk synthesizes information and resources that will help NPS teachers meet the expectations of the framework for effective teaching. Please open the form with Firefox or Chrome in order to add attachments.
You may submit items for inclusion in the Teacher Talk newsletter via this form: The weekly submission deadline is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. before Monday distribution. |