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NTU's Education Resource Center will be re-opening on August 14!

Summer Hours

August 14-25th  - 9 AM – 2 PM Monday to Thursdays


Regular Hours (September to June)

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)

3:30 PM – 7:39 PM (Wednesdays)

Please use the attached coupon to get $5 your first visit this year!



1) Retro PaymentFor those eligible, your first of two retro payments was posted today. If there is a problem with your retro or you have any questions, YOUR FIRST CALL/EMAIL needs to be to your employer the NPS. There are a variety of things that could have an impact on the amount, including longevity, withholding of increments, unpaid leaves, increment start date (either Feb or Sept), etc. The NTU has no way of tracking down each member’s individual reason why their retro may not be what they expected.

You can reach out to the NPS Contact Center at 973-733-7333 or you can use the



1)      Evaluations –If you disagree with your Annual Evaluation, it is important to write an appeal to NPS’s Evaluations Office and the Peer Oversight Committee.  Email your appeal to

Make sure you include all evidence you can provide that the evaluation is not an accurate representation of you!  If you need help on your appeals, reach out to and

 Also important, IF your personal days or FMLA are being counted against you on competency 5, LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY!

 If you are already on a CAP

Barring a change in district policy regarding today's heat, what can your administrator do to help staff and students get through the day?
1. There is no maximum temperature set out in law, but advice states the temperature inside workplaces should be “reasonable”.

If you have air conditioning you may want to ensure that it is working and switched on, try to keep sunlight out using blinds or curtains where possible.

2. You do have a legal obligation to provide drinkable water in the workplace, so if your drinking water supply isn’t available for some reason you will need to provide bottled water