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1)      Lafayette Street School - The NTU has followed through in suing the administrative staff at Lafayette School personally.  NPS administrators can not be allowed to use Teach NJ and Achieve NJ as weapons to destroy the careers of hard-working decent professionals. 

2) December Membership Meetings – We are working on scheduling regional membership meetings before the Winter Break.   More information to come as soon as the dates and locations are finalized.

3)      November Advisory Board MeetingThe November Advisory Board meeting has been moved to MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 @ East


Thanks to our colleagues at AFTNJ for sending this information over to us!





Union Plus Scholarship Program

For over 20 years the Union Plus Scholarship program has been making annual college scholarship awards to union family members. In total we’ve awarded more than $3.7 million in educational funding to more than 2,500 union members, spouses and dependent children.

Student debt is a larger issue than ever before, especially for union families.

Union Plus Scholarship awards are granted to students attending a two-year college, four-year college, graduate school or a recognized technical or


After Superstorm Sandy devastated our state three years ago, AFT and AFTNJ worked to identify members who had been impacted and assist in recovery. We supported the efforts of local food banks and provided information and referrals to the organizations providing direct assistance to families impacted by the storm. 


DYFS Instructional Meeting

On NOVEMBER 12, 2015 at 4:00 PM, we will be having an instructional meeting for all teachers who would like to be made current on the state of the law of child abuse, child neglect, and lack of supervision.   If you will be attending, please RSVP with Venetta Smith (973) 643-8430, Ext 10 or email

For more info, click here:


Please take a moment to read the following linked article about NPS’s mistreatment of our district's most vulnerable population, Students with Disabilities (SWD’s).

So let's get this straight: In January, 2012, NPS got dragged into court by the Education Law Center, one of the most active advocacy groups in the state, for its failure to service newly-classified students within NJAC-mandated timelines. NPS, in turn, promises that their


1)      NTUniversity – On Thursday, November 5, the NTU will be hosting an ALL-DAY Google Workshop at Technology High School as part of our new initiative of Teachers Teaching Teachers. The morning session will take teachers through all of Google's features from Gmail, Docs, Drive, creating Documents, Slides, etc. The afternoon session will take you through the use of Google Classroom including using Forms for quizzes and tests, grading etc.  There are ONLY 30 seats for this all day workshop and you need to pre-register by clicking on this link and reserving your seat.