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The NTU has been active on Youtube and Facebook Live answering members COVID-19 and reopening questions.  More to come!

School Reopening Updates

It is important to note that all information below and in the attached documents were accurate at the time they were created.  Everything can and will continue to change rapidly.  For example, included with this email is the PowerPoint the district gave to the Summer Pilot Program, which details the ingress procedures and sanitizing procedures schools will be using. But that document was created on July 1, 2020 before the pilot guided the process.

It has



If you were supposed to receive your personal day buyback today and did not, please send an email with your name, school, and ID # to, and he will forward your info to NBOE.


1) COVID UPDATE PART 1 (More to come Monday)

2) DIstance Learning Library

3) Loan Forgiveness and Tuition assistance

And More!


Reopening Update

We are aware that many districts are slowly releasing their return to school plans.  Given the size and blend of public, private and charter schools in Newark, we would expect it to take longer than the suburbs.  We are patiently waiting for the release and our subsequent review of Newark's finalized plan.  We have been in constant contact with the all stakeholders throughout the process and learning from the Summer School pilot program. 

Enjoy your summer, safely.


School Reopening and COVID FAQ’s Video

Over on Youtube, President John Abeigon and Director of Research Mike Maillaro put together a twenty question FAQ from the surveys we received from our members discussing School Reopening and Covid-19.  As more information comes out from the state and district, we will likely be adding more videos.  This is our first attempt at video content.  Let us know how we did!

One of the biggest questions we hear is "Why are we reopening schools at all?"

Schools are the definition of a necessary service.  Our students face


Newark Teachers Union Local 481 and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive.

Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today!




I want to thank all of you and express our deepest admiration for all that you are doing during this national health crisis to promote the ongoing distance learning/distance teaching and supplemental services that is taking place in the state’s largest school system. You’re doing a great job!!

While our return to work date is still indefinite, we do have some good news to share. Many of our tasks will soon be online: lesson plans, I.E.P.’s, etc. Also, we have been able to confirm that Spring Recess 2020 is still on the calendar and will be followed.

Working together with the