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I know that each year it seems the goalposts are constantly moving on us teachers.  It would be great if at the beginning of each year, clear instructions were given, and that goalpost remained there all year.  Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Competency 4 is all about data.  However, as our administrators get better at utilizing the Evaluation Tool, and get better at looking at schoolwide data...they move the goalposts for all of us. 

As you collect data, it's important to not simply file it away, but to USE it.  For your annual evaluation, you have to be able to demonstrate and articulate


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In this issue:

1) Educators Pushing Back

2) Observation Tip - Competency 4

3) Hall of Fame Dinner

And More!


In This Issue:

1) Letter From President: District hiring practices under state control

2) Rebuttals

3) Building Faculty and Student Success

And much more!


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In this Issue:

- Everything that has to do with Education is our Domain.

- Why are Building Reps and Building Committees so important

- Scholarship Updates



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In This Issue:

1) Contract Update

2) Legal Update: What happens outside of school could have huge consequences!

3) Professional Development Opportunities

And Much more!


In This Update:

1) Everything that has to do with educaon is our domain.

2) Observation-Evaluation Tips—Midyear Update

3) Upcoming professional development

4) Legal Update - Conduct Unbecoming

And Much more