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Contract Information


Some questions that have come up about the contract information we sent out yesterday.

1)     Reading the Salary Guides - There are two versions of the salary guides. The ones from the actual contract book and a progressions document we put together for the Building Reps and on our website to help people see more clearly where they are.

If you are looking at the contract book salary guides, you would trace them diagonally as you move up a step each year.

If you are looking at the salary progressions, you can just go horizontally across each line from your current base salary.

If you


In order to help staff understand their salary guide, we created this progression document.  Find your salary guide and step, and you can just read right across the contract to see how your salary will increase from year to year. 

This progression does not include longevities.

Salary Progression

If you have any questions about your salary or anything else contract related, please email us at



BREAKING NEWS With a round of applause for the NTU Negotiations Team (Mike Iovino, Ron Carney, Carmen Lopez Wolf, Nancy Gianni, Mike Maillaro, John Cunha) and a unanimous "yes" vote the NTU Executive Board, upon my recommendation, has approved a contract to be ratified by the membership.

The information has already been disseminated to our Building Reps who should be organizing NTU meetings at your location.  Please see attached packet, and additional information will be made available on our website over the next few days.   

The Newark Teachers Union will be holding a membership



Last Tuesday, we came close to finalizing a deal with the Newark Public Schools, but thankfully the NTU negotiations team caught some last minute issues and wisely pumped the brakes.

While you will not go on break with a new contract, you will go on break knowing your negotiations team will be working over the next week and as long as it takes to get to the end of this road.

I believe we have hit a speed bump, but it's not a roadblock, and that a contract is still reachable. We will only bring to you for ratification a contract that I and your Executive Board can confidently endorse. 



In order to continue preparing for our contract ratification, Wednesday, March 20's Executive Board Meeting with be a Closed Executive Session.  Only members of the Executive Board will be premitted to attend.

We will be scheduling Building Rep and Open Membership Meetings to present the contract settlement once we have a signed agreement.

Brothers & Sisters,

I am pleased to report that the Newark Teachers Union negotiations team has informed me that they have reached a tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with State Appointed Superintendent Cerf, and the Newark Public Schools to settle our 2015-2019 collective bargaining agreements. 

Our goals were to negotiate terms that respected and values the work and worth of teachers, aides, clerks and all education workers, while maintaining our job protections and assuring better or equal benefits.  I believe these goals have been achieved and cannot thank our Negotiations Team


The current crisis in Public Education is twofold.  Teachers are leaving the profession, and there is a lack of qualified teachers to fill those positions.  While it took some time for it to impact education, what economists and employment experts are calling “The Great Resignation” has indeed done so.  Fortunately, for now, in Newark this has been limited to classroom teachers whose numbers are leaving Newark at a startling rate compared to other education workers and support staff. 

The Newark Board of Education proposed a solution for recruitment and retention directed solely at attracting


Why are we getting a new contract now?
This is not a new collective bargaining agreement!!
  This was an addendum to the current agreement that came about from a limited contract reopener requested by NBOE to address our local Teacher shortage problem.


What is a contract reopener?

A reopener is like a bookmark.  In our 2019 contract, we had agreed to a Limited Reopener that allows either side to open discussions for making specific negotiated changes to the    collective bargaining agreement before the expiration of the contract.


What was the intention of this reopener?

The entire country is going