Message from the Office of Teaching and LearningDear Teachers and Instructional Staff, As we move into the second half of the academic year, I want to thank you for your continued dedication to our students' success. I am writing to remind you that the Quarter 2 Benchmark Assessments will open tomorrow, January 22, 2025, and remain open through January 30, 2025. Benchmark assessments play a pivotal role in informing our instructional practices. According to research, "benchmark assessments provide critical insights into student progress and help educators identify both strengths and areas for targeted intervention" (Black & Wiliam, 2018). These assessments allow us to monitor growth, adjust our teaching strategies, and ensure we are meeting the diverse needs of our learners. All students are expected to complete the benchmark assessments during this testing window. Full participation not only offers an accurate representation of student performance but also promotes equity in our instructional delivery and support. As you prepare for this week, I encourage you to set aside adequate time for testing and proactively address any logistical or technical challenges. Together, we can leverage this critical tool to drive student achievement and maintain high standards for all. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. Assistant Superintendent Esteves |
Elementary School Teachers |
Register for the Student Eco Citizenship ProgramContact: Kathleen Tierney, Office of Science Email: ktierney@nps.k12.nj.us
Classes in grades 5-8 can participate in a FREE program that will encourage the next generation of environmental citizens. Once registered, teachers will have access to lesson resources that will guide students toward implementing a project that is a solution to an environmental issue. Please click on the link below for more information: |
Saturday School AttendanceContact: Darren Watsky, Student Information Services Email: dwatsky@nps.k12.nj.us Teachers who are part of the school’s Saturday School program must take attendance on Saturday. Attendance is taken for the Saturday class in the very same manner that attendance is taken for Homeroom or any other class in which attendance is taken on a daily basis. Attendance MUST be taken every Saturday. |
Audible Presents: Crayola’s 2025 Creativity Week (New)Contact: Matthew Brewster, Office of Staff Development Email: MBrewster@nps.k12.nj.us Audible is proud to partner with Crayola for 2025 Creativity Week (January 27–February 2), a free event inspiring young minds through hands-on activities and audio storytelling. This year’s theme, Imagination in Action, invites educators to spark creativity in their classrooms.
Join over 6 million children worldwide with access to free resources, videos, and giveaways. Enter the Listen, Imagine, Create Sweepstakes to win a mobile creative listening station! Plus, participants receive a free two-month Audible subscription. Celebrate creativity and learning across subjects! Sign up here to access resources and explore how imagination transforms learning. |
Cycle 2 24-25 Report Card Timeline and Requirements for Teachers (New)Contact: Darren Watsky, Student Information Services Email: dwatsky@nps.k12.nj.us All Cycle 2 grades and comments must be finalized in PowerTeacher Pro by the end of the school day on Thursday, February 6th.
Use the Cycle 2 Report Card Timeline document to prepare for the storing of Cycle 2 grades. All subjects should have a grade and/or comment. For subjects not assessed this cycle, include a comment that the student is not in the class this grading period. Historical grade changes require a grade change form submission. If you have questions, please consult with your administrator(s). |
NJDOE Anti-Bullying Rights Webinar Series (New)Contact: Stacy M Pelham-Hale, Office of Student Life Email: s1hale@nps.k12.nj.us The NJDOE is pleased to announce a FREE Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act Webinar Series for all district administrators & school Anti-Bullying Specialists. This 1 hour webinar series is designed to foster an understanding of the Anti-Bullying laws, statutory and regulatory requirements for school districts, and share best practices for school district personnel as they fulfill the roles and responsibilities required by the law.
*ALL Anti-Bullying Specialists are required to attend "The ABR & Required Reporting" webinar on April 7, 2025. See attached document to view all webinars: |
LGBTQIA+ 101: Supporting Our Students (New)Contact: Jennifer Rodriguez, Office of Federal Programs & Grants Email: j20rodriguez@nps.k12.nj.us Thanks to CDC DASH Grant funds, the NBOE has partnered with Family Connections Pride+ to support LGBTQ+ students through creating/enhancing Gender and Sexualities Alliances (GSAs). On February 11 and February 25, Pride+ will facilitate a virtual PD for all District staff on supporting LGBTQ students. The PD “LGBTQIA+ 101” will: - Cover LGBTQIA+ terminology
- Define sex, gender, and sexual orientation
- Discuss the trauma that impacts the LGBTQIA+ community
- Provide staff with support and resources
Registration is now open through Whetstone: Pride-Feb-2025-PDs-Flyer.pdf |
Sexual Health Education Professional Development (New)Contact: Jennifer Rodriguez, Office of Federal Programs & Grants Email: j20rodriguez@nps.k12.nj.us 
The NBOE has partnered with Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan NJ (PPMNJ) to provide after-school professional development sessions focused on the health services available for teens at the Newark Planned Parenthood locations and answering tough questions about sexual health. Registration is now open. See the attached flyer for descriptions and Whetstone registration links: For more information, contact j20rodriguez@nps.k12.nj.us. |
New Teacher Induction (New)Contact: Dana Moore-Mishoe, HRS - Office of Educator Effectiveness Email: evaluations@nps.k12.nj.us New Teacher Induction will take place on February 11th, 3:30-5:30pm. Teachers who are new to Newark (regardless of previous years of experience) are expected to attend 6 of the 10 monthly sessions that will be offered this year. One of the sessions in February will focus on connecting accommodations or modifications to lesson planning and supporting students in a least restrictive environment. This session will be led by the Office of Special Education. The meeting link & other sessions can be found in the schedule here. |
Traditional Mentor Training (New)Contact: Dana Moore-Mishoe, HRS - Office of Educator Effectiveness Email: evaluations@nps.k12.nj.us The next Traditional Mentor Training for mentors will be held on February 27th from 3:30-4:30pm. The session will be conducted virtually and is intended for 1st and 2nd year mentors, but all mentors are welcome. |
Retrieving Your PD Certificate from Whetstone (New)Contact: Dana Moore-Mishoe, HRS - Office of Educator Effectiveness Email: evaluations@nps.k12.nj.us This quick video tutorial will help you navigate to print your certificates from Professional Development trainings you registered for and signed into. If, after reviewing your Schoolmint transcript, you believe something is missing, please contact the facilitator of that session. The Educator Effectiveness team will not have access to update that specific certificate. |
Minimize Your Risk (New)Contact: B. Helena Blackwell, Health Services Email: Bblackwell@nps.k12.nj.us What can you do to mitigate your risk of getting the flu, COVID, RSV, Norovirus, or Pertussis (whooping cough)? - Get vaccinated for the flu, COVID, and Pertussis viruses, especially if you are at High Risk and have been diagnosed with diabetes, cardiac, an autoimmune disease, or weakened immune system.
- These viruses have similar gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, with or without fever. If you have symptoms, make an appointment with your personal healthcare provider immediately.
- Wash your hands well and often.
- Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces.
Health Services and Nurses are monitoring clusters of illness and working with the Health Department to minimize the spread of viruses. Flu-RSV-COVID-19-Cold-Symptom-differences.png |
HIB/Title IX Mid-Year Training Contact: Stacy M. Pelham-Hale, Office of Student Life Email: S1hale@nps.k12.nj.us
- Save the Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
- Time: 8:30am - 11:30am
- Location: Harold Wilson (190 Muhammad Ali Ave. Newark, NJ)
HIB Specialists/Title IX Coordinators are required to attend the Mid-Year HIB/Title IX Overview Training.
Click the link to register: https://forms.gle/rT5H1yLepNA9EctE8. |
National School Day of Non-Violence and PeaceContact: Rania Sawaged, Office of Student Life Email: rsawaged@nps.k12.nj.us 
Check out the link below for some activities that you can incorporate in your classroom or school to promote awareness for the National School Day of Non-Violence and Peace on Thursday, January 30, 2025. All students are to take part in an activity during the week of January 27th, as well as in the recitation of the peace pledge on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 10 AM. Peace Pledge: “On this National School Day of Non-Violence and Peace, we pledge to work towards a more peaceful world for all. We pledge to promote non-violence, respect for human rights, and understanding of different cultures and perspectives. We will combat hate, discrimination, and violence. We pledge to be active citizens in our City of Newark, and to use our voices and actions to promote peace and create a more just and equitable society. I also pledge to address the underlying issues that contribute to gun violence, such as poverty, racism, and a lack of access to mental health resources. We pledge to stand with survivors of gun violence and to honor the memory of those who have been lost. Together, we can create a future of peace and harmony for all people.”
Special Education Resources and UpdatesContact: LaPrice Weatherington, Office of Special Education Email: lweatherington@nps.k12.nj.us Get ready for the April 7th Annual Autism Kickoff. All schools can support students with Autism. See the newsletter linked below for upcoming events and resources. Also, see professional development opportunities for new special education teachers, for teachers in the Autism, ERI, and PSD program and more. PD for EdPlan and paraprofessionals is also included. |
Free: Culturally Responsive Arts Education Workshop SeriesContact: Antonia Germanos, Teaching and Learning: Office of Visual and Performing Arts Email: agermanos@nps.k12.nj.us Arts Ed New Jersey is offering a FREE workshop to all K-12 District Educators. The Culturally Responsive Arts Education (CRAE) Workout is an eight-week curated asynchronous and synchronous experience that focuses on developing the capacity of educators and administrators to think about how culturally relevant and responsive approaches can shift curriculum, instructional content, and teaching practices to more effectively represent and validate all students’ cultures and lived experiences.
Trauma Informed Care/Healing Centered Arts Models Peer Learning CommunityContact: Antonia Germanos, Office of Visual and Performing Arts Email: agermanos@nps.k12.nj.us ATTENTION: Arts Ed Newark (AEN) is offering 6 FREE virtual sessions focusing on Trauma Informed Care/Healing Centered Arts Models Peer Learning Community to anyone who has completed the AEN Healing Centered & the Arts Training Series. AEN is offering a stipend to participants who attend all 6 sessions. |