Message from the Superintendent
Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,
This week (December 4 - 8, 2023) marks Inclusive Schools Week, and this year’s theme is “Draw Me In!”. Please review the submission below from the Office of Special Education for more ideas to celebrate diverse learners and inclusive practices. Remember to share your school’s commitment to inclusive education by capturing pictures and highlighting success stories.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday, December 7, 2023. As you know, parental and family involvement are key levers for student success. We thank you for partnering with parents and engaging them in your classroom and school community, as you nurture these important reciprocal partnerships.
Thank you,
Superintendent León |
Updates from the Office of Special Education (New)
Contact: Maria Jara, Office of Special Education
Nationally, the first week of December is dedicated to Inclusive Schools Week. Teachers, please see the 5-day Inclusive Practices Challenge! Continue to take pictures and share back with OSE to highlight activities at your school in which students with exceptionalities collaborate with their peers in general education.
The NJ DOE has launched a new initiative, the Child Outcome Summary (COS), to measure the outcomes of only newly classified preschoolers with a disability.
See attached for additional information and for December's OSE PD opportunities:
Computer Science Education Week (New)
Contact: Timothy Nellegar, Teaching and Learning - Educational Technology
Computer Science Education Week is December 4th-10th. This week is an opportunity to show your students the exciting world of Computer Science. Here is a list of resources and activities you can use in any classroom. We hope all students will have the opportunity to engage with this exciting material during Computer Science Education Week.
Monthly Math Memo - December 2023 (New)
Contact: Amanda Grossi, Office of Mathematics
The Monthly Math Memo will be posted in the first Teacher Talk of each month. The purpose is to highlight the mathematics teaching and learning that occurs throughout Newark and to inform mathematics educators of professional learning and student opportunities:
Monique Burr Foundation - Goya Cares (New)
Contact: LaTonya D. White, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life
The Monique Burr Foundation for Children provides prevention education programs to empower and protect children from abuse, bullying, and other types of victimization. This evidence-based program is providing access to FREE lesson plans.
The information is provided through their public website:
Attention New Teachers!! NTU Hosts PowerSchool Training (New)
Contact: Keith Barton, Human Resource Services
The NTU is offering PowerSchool training to new teachers:
- Date: December 13, 2023
- Time: 3:45pm - 5:00pm
- Location: NTU Building - 1019 Broad St. Newark, NJ 07102
- Parking: Available next door
Click on the QR Code in the flier to register:
Montclair State University (MSU) Bilingual/ESL Program Update (New)
Contact: Alicia Tutt, Human Resource Services
Please be advised of the following criteria before applying for the MSU Bilingual/ESL Program:
- The employee must possess a Standard or Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) NJ teaching license.
- For Certificate of Eligibility (CE) or LImited CE holders, they must have completed one year of a NJDOE approved Provisional Teaching - Alternate Route program.
For more information, please contact
Certifications Updates (New)
Contact: Eboni Woolridge, Human Resource Services
Register for December Virtual Office Hours by using the following link:
Urgent Request: Contact the Certifications team for the following:
CE/Limited CE Holders Only: Provisional program selections must be submitted immediately for provisional license registration.
All licenses must be submitted to the certification team upon issuance.
Pathways Programs: All certification progress must be uploaded via Google Form:
Mentorship: All novice Provisional and Pathways employees should be paired with a mentor.
Free Education Week Subscription
Contact: Timothy Nellegar, Teaching and Learning - Educational Technology
The District has purchased access to Education Week for all educators and administrators. You can find the link to Education Week in Clever under Professional Development. To claim your free account and read about everything happening in the world of education, including strategies for your classroom, ideas for your school, and the latest school policies, follow these steps:
Adult Education Is Hiring Teachers and Aides
Contact: Andre Hollis, Adult Education
The Adult Education department is hiring teachers and teacher aides for the 2024 Spring semester. Classes start February 8, 2024 and run through May 10, 2024 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm on various evenings in every ward of the city.
To apply as a teacher (Job ID: 1442) or as a teacher's aide (Job ID: 1443), please click here.
For more information, please go to
New Teacher Induction
Contact: Dana Mishoe, Educator Effectiveness
Induction sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Be sure to register for the New Teacher Induction sessions that will take place on Tuesday, December 12th from 4-6pm. December’s session will focus on review and planning for improvement before Annuals. The registration and meeting links for each month can be found in the induction schedule linked here:
Pathways to Teaching Program Check-In Meetings
Contact: Justine Carter, Human Resource Services
Below you will find the schedule for the Pathways to Teaching and Career Pathways monthly check-in meetings:
- Tuesday, 12/12 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 1/9 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 2/13 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 3/12 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 4/9 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 5/14 - 3:20PM
- Tuesday, 6/11 - 3:20PM
WebEx links are sent to your NPS emails one week prior to the check-in date. Contact your HRS Partner with any questions or concerns.
New Hire / Hard to Staff Bonus Guidelines SY 23-24
Contact: Stefanie Perrone, Human Resource Services
Please click here for payout guidelines.
Mental Health Resources for Staff
Contact: Samantha Parreiral, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life
Please find attached Mental Health Resources for staff. This document contains a list of different mental health directories that can be used to support the mental health of employees who are in need. The providers listed on this page are all able to be filtered by a variety of factors, including type of concern, gender, language, location, insurance, private pay, teletherapy or in-person, etc.
PowerSchool Support Form
Contact: Darren Watsky, Student Information Services
Use the PowerSchool Support Form to request PowerTeacher assistance. Teachers should consult with the technology lead, PowerSchool clerk, or the administrator of record to troubleshoot access issues before submitting the form.
Enter the 2024 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
Contact: Margaret El, Visual and Performing Arts
The 2024 Scholastic Awards Are Open for Entries!
Now is the time to enter the 2024 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards! Teens in grades 7-12, ages 13 and up, can enter their original work in 28 categories of art and writing, which includes poetry, photography, short story, painting, and more! Educators can also create their accounts to help the creative teens in their lives participate in the 2024 Awards. Get started today!
Office of Educational Technology PD Sessions
Contact: Timothy Nellegar, Office of Teaching and Learning
The Office of Educational Technology is excited to offer Professional Development Sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting September 12th through December 14th. These voluntary one hour sessions will be offered virtually from 3:00-4:00p. Tuesdays will focus on Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Classroom and Thursdays will focus on Using Educational Strategies with our Academic Platforms. You can find more about the specific programs and sessions in the attached document, which includes dates and links to the sessions:
We look forward to seeing you at our sessions.
NBOE Office of Benefit Services Fall 2023 Newsletter
Contact: Jennifer Medina, Human Resource Services
See what is available to you below and where to find free coffee!
View the Fall 2023 newsletter video here, or download a copy here, Benefit Services Fall 2023 Newsletter.
- Everyday Wellbeing (Diabetes, Cancer, Food Safety, and much more!)
- New Hires Reminder: visit here!
- Student Verification required for children, click here for more info.
- “Back to School Week” at Yankee Stadium.
- Want a $50 gift card? Check out 2023 Healthy Actions!
- Escrow: 10/11-month employees only.
- Open Enrollment
Visit for the latest news!
Empowering Educators: Unwind and Recharge with Yoga!
Contact: Jennifer Rodriguez, Office of Federal Programs and Grants
We are excited to continue offering free virtual yoga classes to all NBOE staff! Thanks to grant funding, the District has continued to partner with Newark Yoga Movement to provide yoga classes twice a month through the end of the school year. Staff who attend at least 4 classes will receive a free yoga mat while supplies last. Please see the flyer below to register for the classes you would like to attend:
For more information, contact
Disciplinary Guide
Contact: Mary Leigh Harvey, Office of Student Life
The attachment contains the disciplinary guide:
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Teacher Talk is emailed every other Monday.
The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. |
Contact Us
To support and encourage highly effective instruction, Teacher Talk synthesizes information and resources that will help NPS teachers meet the expectations of the framework for effective teaching. Please open the form with Firefox or Chrome in order to add attachments.
You may submit items for inclusion in the Teacher Talk newsletter via this form:
The weekly submission deadline is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. before Monday distribution.