Message from the SuperintendentDear Teachers and Instructional Staff, I am honored and proud to congratulate the following Students, Schools, Teachers, Departments, and Staff for these culminating celebrations and accomplishments: Recorder Arts for Musical Pathways (R.A.M.P.) Program Concert The Office of Visual and Performing Arts congratulates over 1,000 third and fourth grade Newark Board of Education Students who performed at New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s Prudential Hall as part of the Recorder Arts for Musical Pathways (R.A.M.P.) Program. Several Students also performed for the All-Star Recorder Choir portion of the concert. This culminating event marks the District’s long-time educational partnership with the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), supporting over 60 Music Educators from 40 Schools across the District. Seal of Biliteracy Event
The Office of Bilingual, ESL, and World Language Education congratulates 255 Students from multiple High Schools for receiving the NJ State Seal of Biliteracy. This prestigious recognition celebrates Students' proficiency in two or more languages, underscoring the District's commitment to fostering linguistic diversity and multicultural competence. This accomplishment reflects the Students' exceptional linguistic abilities and dedication to mastering multiple languages, skills highly valued in the increasingly globalized society. STEM Week The Office of Science would like to recognize the over 2,700 middle school Students across 22 Schools who participated in our annual STEM Week activities. It was great to see how Teachers and Students made the topics of Building a Lunar Colony, Urban Farming, and Surgical Techniques come alive in their classrooms. Academic Awards Night
The District recognized 509 graduating Seniors at the Academic Awards Night. It was an honor to personally congratulate each academic Scholar who has earned a 3.5 GPA or higher. The evening was truly incredible. Thank you to all who supported with making this amazing event a night to remember. Our Students are deserving of this celebration and it was wonderful to share it with their Families and our Community. Senior Day On Friday, June 7th, I welcomed over 2,500 graduating Seniors as they arrived at Forest Lodge in celebration of their Senior Day! It was an amazing experience, as evidenced by the joy and enthusiasm of our Students. A special thank you to the High School Leadership Team, High School Principals and their Teams who helped make Senior Day a truly memorable day. Teacher of the Year Ceremony Last week, the District celebrated each School’s Teacher of the Year, as well as announced the District’s Teacher of the Year, Ms. Desrie Morris from Mount Vernon Elementary School. Congratulations to each Teacher of the Year who was awarded! We are extremely proud of their hard work and dedication, as they exemplify instructional leadership and commitment to Student success. Night at the Museum
On Friday, June 14th, the Office of Early Childhood hosted over 3,000 Students and Families who attended the 11th Annual Night at the Museum. In partnership with the Newark Museum, the inception of the event was developed to combat summer learning loss for Preschool Students and has proven to be a continued success! Upon arrival, Families were greeted with a bag of items to facilitate at-home learning activities throughout the summer months targeting literacy and mathematics, as well as an agenda of museum events and community agencies. During the event, Students and Families were able to engage in exciting and interactive learning activities facilitated by Newark Board of Education Preschool Teachers and Office of Early Childhood Staff. Each learning station provided opportunities for Families to participate in fun activities, in addition to engaging in museum attractions such as the Ballantine House and the Planetarium. A plethora of Community Partners were accessible for Families, which continues the reciprocal partnerships focused on ensuring all Children are healthy and ready to learn. The night was an exceptional experience for everyone in attendance! This week, the District will celebrate Commencement Exercises throughout the City. We are so proud of our Students and a big thank you to their Parents, Families, Friends, Teachers, School Administrators, and Staff. To the 8th Graders, we are so proud of you. We see you too and are honored that you are coming to our High Schools. Congratulations to the Class of 2024! To close out the last newsletter of the year, I want to thank you for your ongoing commitment and unwavering support. I join you in celebration of the major accomplishments of this school year and wish you a restful summer. With gratitude,
 Superintendent León
Pre-K Transition PortfoliosContact: Mara Kaplan, Office of Early Childhood Email: In preparation for the end of the school year, all students in Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 must receive a transition portfolio in accordance with 6A:13A-6.1, which ensures the District has transition initiatives from program entry to kindergarten through grade three. In alignment with the Newark Board of Education and The Next Decade: 2020-30 Strategic Plan, transition portfolios will be used to support students in transitioning to SY 24-25 to minimize interruptions in student learning.
Please review the SY 23-24 Pre-K Transition Portfolio Guidance for the required components and submission guidelines.
Safety Survey (New)Contact: Shamere Williams, Office of the Superintendent Email:
 In preparation for SY 2024-25, your assistance is requested with completing the survey linked below. This Safety Survey is designed to gather information on your classrooms. This survey is part of Critical Response Group in providing safety in all of our schools. Please click on the link below to submit your responses to the survey no later than Friday, June 21, 2024: |
Become a National Certified Teacher (New)Contact: Matthew Brewster, Staff Development Email:
National Board Certification (NBC) is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that goes beyond state licensure. NBC has national standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous certification process. The NBOE attests to the positive effects the NBC process has on their classroom practices andacknowledges the growing body of research that links NBC with improved student achievement.
For more information: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) website. |
Newark Public Schools Celebrates Juneteenth! (New)Contact: Stacy M Pelham- Hale, Office of Student Life Email:
On Wednesday, June 19, the Newark Public Schools, along with millions of Americans, will celebrate Juneteenth, the official holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Juneteenth—a blend of “June” and “nineteenth”—honors the day in 1865 when 2,000 Union soldiers, led by General Gordon Granger, arrived in Galveston, TX, and proclaimed the freedom of over 250,000 enslaved Black people, despite the Emancipation Proclamation being signed two years earlier. Below you will find resources for teaching, learning, and reflecting on Juneteenth for families, students, and educators: |
Mathematics Professional Learning: June - August (New)Contact: Amanda Grossi, Teaching and Learning: Office of Mathematics Email: The Google Doc linked below outlines the professional development opportunities from June through August that your mathematics coaches (K-8) and department chairpersons (High School) have shared with you over the past few months. If there is an opportunity that you would like to attend for which you have not yet been able to register, please email Tiffany Gaddy (
To those of you who choose to attend summer professional development, we look forward to seeing you over the summer! To all others, enjoy the well-deserved break!
Arts Survey & Newsletter (New)Contact: Antonia Germanos, Teaching and Learning: Office of Visual and Performing Arts Email:
The Office of Visual and Performing Arts would like your feedback. The NBOEArts Update contains important information about Arts Education for Administrators and Teachers. |
Newark Public Library Summer Reading Program (New) The Newark Public Library invites educators, students, and families to participate in its Summer Reading Program, which is full of events and activities for kids of all ages and families together.
Khanmigo Available for All TeachersContact: Timothy Nellegar, Educational Technology Email: Khanmigo for Teachers, a pilot AI-powered teaching assistant, is free for all US educators due to a partnership with Khan Academy and Microsoft. As your planning ally and instructional collaborator, Khanmigo leverages Khan Academy content to simplify AI for teachers. Khanmigo will help create engaging lesson hooks, recommended assignments, and support for refreshing your knowledge. Learn more from our Khanmigo for Teachers Quick Guide and Khan Academy’s blog to get started today.
End of Year Tutoring GuidanceContact: Julianne Bello, Office of Extended Learning Email: The last day for tutoring was June 14th. Tutoring Coordinators must ensure all student data has been entered in PowerSchool by all Tutors. All tutoring supplemental pay for the pay period of 6/8-6/21 must be submitted by the 6/21 payroll submission date.
You should run the report titled: Start Page » sqlReports » Tutoring Student Assignment Count and review it with your Principal to close out your program.
June is Caribbean American Heritage MonthContact: Stacy M Pelham- Hale, Office of Student Life Email: June is designated as Caribbean American Heritage Month! Throughout this month, the District honors the rich culture and heritage of Caribbean American people and their contributions to the United States. Let's continue to celebrate this month by engaging in fun-filled school-wide activities that educate and acknowledge the Caribbean culture of joy and perseverance which has united and enriched life across our country for centuries.
OSE UpdatesContact: Candice Wells, Office of Special Education (OSE) Email: Extended School Year (ESY) 2024 Student Profiles: In preparation for ESY 2024, the Office of Special Education is requesting that teachers please complete an ESY Student Profile form for every student with ESY in their IEP by June 12, 2024. This document is currently needed for students of Autism, Auditorily Impaired, Intellectual Development, Emotional Regulation Impairment, ID, MD, MDMI, and Pre-School Disabled. The ESY Student Profile will provide the ESY staff with specific information to support each student during ESY. Please also see attached for remaining PD opportunities. |
Heat AdvisoryContact: B. Helena Blackwell, Office of Health Services Email: 
Please take a look at the factsheet linked below that guides NJ Schools on actions to prevent heat-related illness during extreme heat events. These actions include staying hydrated, keeping cool, modifying physical education, being aware of students with health conditions, and wearing appropriate clothing for the weather. |
Mentorship and NJEdCert UpdatesContact: Eboni Woolridge, Human Resource Services Email: Mentorship Updates: NJEdCert Updates: - All certification and credentialing application fee waivers are ending June 30, 2024.
For additional inquiries contact |
Teach Adult Education SessionsContact: Andre Hollis, Adult Education Email: In partnership with Newark Public Library, the Newark Public Schools Adult Education department presents "Discover, Grow, and Thrive: Adult Education Summer Sessions - Enroll Now."
Dates: July 10, 2024 - August 10, 2024 - Wednesdays 5:45pm - 7:45pm
- Saturdays 11:00am - 1:00pm
Classes will be held at various library locations throughout the City of Newark. - Springfield Branch - 50 Hayes Street
- Van Buren Branch - 140 Van Buren Street
- Weequahic Branch - 355 Osbourne Terrace
- North End Branch - 722 Summer Avenue
Interested teachers should apply here and complete JobID: 1832. |
Professional Development HoursContact: Herbert Daughtry, Educator Effectiveness Email: Please be certain to complete the Professional Development Hours form required by NJDOE, i.e. every teacher is required to complete at least 20 hours of PD per year. The link for the form is linked below: The deadline is June 21, 2024. |
Escrow Program - Open EnrollmentContact: M. James, Human Resource Services Email: - Escrow Open Enrollment for current and newly hired employees is May 1st through September 15th of each year!
- Employees who are 10-month and 11-month full time employees can now self-enroll, discontinue, and switch options in the Escrow Program.
- For more information about refund dates, viewing deduction selected through ESS (Employee Self Service), and instructions on how to enroll, kindly visit our HRS Portal at or view attached QR Code:
NBOE in the NewsStay informed on everything happening within Newark Public Schools and the Newark Board of Education! Read up on all of the many ways the district is garnering media coverage. Press Releases Jun 11, 2024: Newark Public Schools Musical Prodigies Shine at NJPAC’s Prudential Hall Jun 10, 2024: Principal For A Day Initiative in Newark Public Schools Leaves Lasting Impact Across the District Jun 10, 2024: Newark Public Schools Showcase Inaugural High School Thesis Project Jun 07, 2024: West Side High School Unveils Innovative Student Business Center Jun 07, 2024: Newark Public Schools Proudly Announce All Comprehensive High Schools Earn Middle States Accreditation
News Stories Jun 11, 2024: Newark Event Teaches Students About Accounting Career Opportunities Jun 06, 2024: Academic Awards Night – Class of 2024 Jun 05, 2024: Malcolm X Shabazz High School’s JAG Program Students Attend Career Development Conference Jun 03, 2024: High School Vocal Jubilee 2024 Jun 03, 2024: Arts earns first division title, defeats Irvington – Softball recap |
 | Teacher Talk is emailed every other Monday. The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. |
Contact Us To support and encourage highly effective instruction, Teacher Talk synthesizes information and resources that will help NPS teachers meet the expectations of the framework for effective teaching. Please open the form with Firefox or Chrome in order to add attachments.
You may submit items for inclusion in the Teacher Talk newsletter via this form: The weekly submission deadline is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. before Monday distribution. |