Message from the Office of Teaching and LearningDear Teachers and Instructional Staff, As we approach the end of the first marking period, I want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible work you’ve accomplished so far. It’s truly inspiring to witness the progress happening across our schools! Reflection is a vital part of growth, so I encourage you to take some time to consider all that you and your students have achieved together. One of the most exciting initiatives we’ve embraced this year is the use of Cornell Notes and the emphasis on student work portfolios. These tools are not just strategies; they provide our students with meaningful opportunities to engage deeply in their learning and take ownership of their academic journeys. By incorporating Cornell Notes into your daily practice, you’re helping students organize their thoughts, enhance their comprehension, and develop lifelong learning habits. As we close the first marking period, the rigorous work reflected in the curriculum's culminating activities will ensure that students are applying everything they have learned. These examples will serve as stellar representations of the learning process across all content areas and should be included in their portfolios. I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact this initiative is having in our classrooms. I’m confident that as we continue, student portfolios will not only showcase the work they’ve completed but also highlight the growth they’ve experienced. These portfolios will be fantastic to share with parents, providing a clear representation of each student’s journey and achievements throughout the year. As we move into the new marking period, let’s continue to challenge our students, celebrate their progress, and nurture their potential. Together, we can help them grow not only academically but also as individuals prepared for life beyond the classroom. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to teaching and learning. Together, we are building a brighter future for our students! Have a great week of teaching and learning! Assistant Superintendent Esteves |
Semester 1 Midterm Examination (E1) (New)Contact: Esther Lewars, Student Information Services Email: High school semester one courses should have E1 midterm dates as November 5th or November 6th. No other assignments should be entered with those dates. |
AP Reader Recruitment (New)Contact: Lydia Alvarez, OPPET Email: All AP teachers currently teaching an AP course are invited to apply to become an AP Reader. This role involves evaluating AP students’ free-response answers to ensure accurate grading that reflects college-level achievement. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the AP Exam, which can enhance your teaching. AP Readers work in June, either on-site or remotely. Compensation is $30 per hour, with travel reimbursement for on-site work. Apply today on the New AP Reader application page! I have included details in the AP classroom. |
Seeking CTE Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) AdvisorsContact: Sandra Marques, High School Leadership Team Email: QUALIFICATIONS - NJ Permanent Teaching Certification
- A minimum of five years of successful teaching experience
- Excellent writing skills are needed.
- Knowledge of Career and Technical Student Organizations
RESPONSIBILITIES - Directly support school-based administrator & CTE teacher to oversee the CTSO chapter for a specific Career Academy.
- Work with school administration to devise a specific, organized, systematic CTSO chapter that is aligned to NBOE WBL goals for the Academy to start or expand the CTSO chapter with measurable SY goals, & communicate CTSO opportunities with students & guardians.
Interested candidates, please email Director Sandra Marques at
Please note this is an after school, hourly position at $43/hour. |
Newark Enrolls & Children of NBOE Staff (New)Contact: Rochanda Jackson, OPPET Email: Policy code 5111, previously approved by the Board, allows District staff who do not reside in Newark to enroll their children in our schools. The application launched on November 2, 2024 and will close on February 7, 2025.
Here is the link to the Newark Enrolls application:
If you have any questions, please reach out to Rochanda Jackson, Executive Director of the Office of Policy, Planning, Evaluation, and Testing at rjackson@NPS.K12.NJ.US. |
Cycle 1 SY 20244-25 Report Card Timeline and Requirements for Teachers (New)Contact: Esther Lewars, Student Information Services Email: All Cycle 1 grades and comments must be finalized in PowerTeacher Pro by the end of the school day on Tuesday, November 19th.
Use the Cycle 1 Report Card Timeline document to prepare for the storing of Cycle 1 grades. All subjects should have a grade and/or comment. For subjects not assessed this cycle, include a comment that the student is not in the class this grading period. Historical grade changes require a grade change form submission. If you have questions, please consult with your administrator(s). |
Recalculate Gradebook Final Grades If Assignment Categories Change (New)Contact: Esther Lewars, Student Information Services Email: Please use the Recalculate Final Grades support document to recalculate your gradebooks. Complete this process by or before November 19th when Cycle 1 grades and comments should be finalized. |
Newark Public Schools Marching Band Competition 2025 - Interest Form (New)Contact: Jordan Peters, Visual and Performing Arts Email: The Battle of the Bands/Marching Band Competition is happening this school year on April 12th. Please click on the following links to register your school: |
Principal/Supervisor Certification Survey (New)Contact: Matthew Brewster, Office of Staff Development Email: We are gathering information about District personnel who hold Principal and/or Supervisor certificates or those currently enrolled in a graduate program leading to certification. If you hold one of these certificates (standard or provisional), or are in the process of obtaining one, please complete the Principal/Supervisor Certification Survey. |
NBOE and MSU Leadership Pipeline Program for Fall 2025 (New)Contact: Matt Brewster, Staff Development Email:
If you have been contemplating becoming a supervisor or school administrator, now is the perfect time to take action. Join us for a virtual information session on February 11, 2025 at 4:00 PM to learn how the Newark/MSU Leadership Pipeline Program is designed to provide educators with the skills, knowledge, and credentials needed to acquire a leadership role in the District. - Earn your Master of Arts in Educational Leadership in addition to Supervisor and Principal certifications
- Reduction in tuition prices
Click here to register! |
November Culture & Climate Activities (New)Contact: Rania Sawaged, Office of Student Life Email: Take a look at the November Suggested Activities document for some great activities you can introduce in your classroom or school to promote awareness for: - World Kindness Day (11/13)
- National Career Development Month
- National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (11/18 – 11/26)
- National Parent Involvement Day (11/21)
NBOE Recognizes Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week (New)Contact: Stacy Hale, OSL: McKinney Vento Email: Join us for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week: November 17-23 2024.
This nationwide event is an opportunity to unite, raise awareness, & take action to address hunger and homelessness in our communities. Throughout the month of November, we encourage all schools to participate in this event by hosting educational activities, service projects, and advocacy events. Together, let's make a difference and inspire change! Click the links below for great ideas regarding whole-school community events, lesson plans, & service projects: |
ABA Training for Teachers and/or Child Study Team Members (New)Contact: Marilyn Mitchell, Office of Special Education Email: The Rutgers Development Disabilities Center is collaborating with NPS on developing a training model to increase evidence-based practices throughout the District. Selected participants will be working with a BCBA and 2 supervising BCBAs to support staff in becoming trainers in their own school buildings.
Principals may select 1 teacher or CST member to attend (3) half-day trainings a month on Behavioral skills training (BST) to work on targeted skills. We have allotments for 10 staff members. Please notify your building Principal by November 12, 2024 if you are interested in this training. |
Office of Special Education Updates and Resources (New)Contact: LaPrice Weatherington, Office of Special Education Email: During the week of November 11-15th, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and schools across the United States will mark National School Psychology Week (NSPW). This week celebrates the contributions of school psychologists and the important role they play in schools and communities. NSPW is an annual opportunity to recognize school psychologists' work to help children thrive in school, at home, and in life. |
Accessing EdPlan to Set Up Your Caseload & IEP Development (New)Contact: Candice Wells, Office of Special Education Email: Professional development webinars on accessing IEPs and the development of IEPs are offered by Public Consultant Group (PCG) on a monthly basis for special education teachers, school administrators, and CSTs. See below for additional IEP Development resources, such as recordings from the September Special Education Teacher Academy workshop (S.E.T.A.). Special Education Teachers new to NBOE are encouraged to sign up for the OSE monthly Special Education Teacher Academy. Please register via SchoolMint. The IEP Tip Sheets are excellent resources for all educators. |
Get Ready to Celebrate Inclusive Schools Week: December 2-6, 2024 (New)Contact: Candice Wells, Office of Special Education Email: Nationally, Stetson Associates encourages schools to share progress made toward providing a quality education for our increasingly diverse student population and those students marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economics status, cultural heritage, language preference and other factors. Join OSE in celebrating Inclusive Schools Week from December 2-6, 2024. This year's theme is EVERY VOICE MATTERS! OSE will provide a banner and additional resources to support the celebration during the first week of December. |
Benefits Open Enrollment 2025 (New)Contact: Jennifer Medina, Benefit Services Email: Benefits Open Enrollment will now start Wednesday, November 6th through Monday, November 25th. Please review this flyer!
For more information please visit Note, a webinar is forthcoming, and updated materials will be posted next week. Know More. Choose Better. Live Well. |
DISTRICT-WIDE HIRING FAIR - Saturday, December 7, 2024!!! (New)Contact: Carlos Reyes, Office of Recruitment and Educator Effectiveness Email: Please spread the word and post THIS FLYER in all of your social media platforms! Take advantage of our referral program and earn $1,000 for each teacher successfully hired by our District. - Registration for Applicants: USE THIS LINK.
- Audience: Certified Teachers – all grades & content areas
- When: Saturday, December 7, 2024
- Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
- Location: Science Park High School - 260 Norfolk Street, Newark, NJ 07103
If you have any questions, please contact |
School Leadership Council (SLC) and Subcommittee UpdatesIn September, we hosted a joint briefing of all Principals and SLC Chairpersons to review the research that supports the collaborative work highlighted in the new NTU Contract. While Rutgers is leading this work with us, 16 schools, identified as Cohort 1, will be the first set of schools where the entire SLC will undergo extensive training. All other schools are required to ensure that their SLCs are fully functional and will undergo the same SLC training as Cohort 1 later in the year. As it relates to the five subcommittees, the NTU created a process for you to apply here. |
Grading Policy on ZerosContact: Matthew Brewster, Office of Staff Development Email: Please review these FAQs about using zeros in grading, answered by Dr. Doug Reeves: Also, check out the blog post linked below, “The Low-hanging Fruit of Grading Reform: Eliminating the Zero”, by Joshua Kunnath, which references Dr. Reeves’s research: |
Teacher Leaders for Collaborative Think TankContact: Christina Ramirez, Office of Teaching and Learning Email: The Office of Teaching and Learning is seeking teacher leaders from the SLCs and across the District to form a collaborative think tank. Participants will partner with the Office of Teaching and Learning to contribute to key projects, including the revision, editing, and/or creation of the following:
- Summer Reading List
- Grade Level Snapshots
- Extended Classroom Experiences
This opportunity provides the hourly teacher rate for up to 10 hours of work per month. Please complete and submit the Google Form below if you are interested in being part of this collaborative think tank: |
Grant Opportunity - Help Our Teacher FundContact: Michelina Thornton, Federal Programs & Grants Email: The FOUNDATION for IMPACT on LITERACY and LEARNING created this fund to help educators with expenses related to a special project or classroom supplies. Ten Newark teachers will be awarded a $500 grant in January 2025.
Go to the website to submit an application by the 12/31 deadline.
Help-our-Teachers-Fund-Grants-Flyer.pdf |
OSE Conference - Call for PresentationsContact: Candice Wells, Office of Special Education Email: The Office of Special Education (OSE) is excited to have our 3rd Annual Special Education Conference on March 5, 2025! We’re soliciting District staff to present at our Special Education Conference. Based upon conference feedback, OSE wants teachers from across the District to present on the use of District curriculum with students with exceptionalities. We are thrilled to have our staff highlight the great work occurring in our special education classrooms. We encourage you and your colleagues to complete this proposal guideline for the OSE Conference 2025 by November 15, 2024. OSE-Conference-Call-for-Presentation-Submission-Guide.pdf |
New Teacher InductionContact: Dana Moore-Mishoe, HRS – Office of Educator Effectiveness Email: Date: November 12th Time: 3:30-5:30pm Teachers new to Newark (regardless of previous years of experience) are expected to attend 6 of the 10 monthly sessions that will be offered this year. One of the November sessions will focus on making connections between IEPs and lesson planning. Teachers will learn about various Special Education programs available and their important role as the general education teacher. This session will be led by the Office of Special Education.
Registration, meeting link, & other sessions can be found in the schedule here. |
Immunizations PreK-12Contact: B. Helena Blackwell, Office of Health Services Email: To prevent some of the most serious infections, the New Jersey Department of Health implemented immunization rules. Immunization of Pupils in Schools (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4) requires students to receive a series of immunizations. In addition, schools are required to enforce requirements, maintain records, and submit annual reports. There are specific requirements for preschool, kindergarten and sixth grade. Please see the links below for vaccination schedules: |
Saturday Tutoring AttendanceContact: Darren Watsky, Student Information Services Email: Teachers who are part of the school’s Saturday tutoring program must take attendance on Saturday for their Tutoring class. Attendance is taken for the Saturday class in the very same manner that attendance is taken for Homeroom or any other class in which attendance is taken on a daily basis. Since the Saturday Tutoring class is the only class on that day, it is the only class that is highlighted in the Take Attendance column of the PowerTeacher Home Page. Attendance MUST be taken every Saturday. |
Certifications Yearly RemindersContact: Eboni Woolridge, Office of Staffing Email: The Certification Team is hosting Virtual Office Hours and Certification Trainings throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Register for the Virtual Office Hours and the Trainings by using the following link: Please check NJEdCert to ensure that your Instructional, Educational Services, and Administrator certificates (if applicable) are accurate and up to date. Contact the Certifications team if you are awaiting the issuance of a Provisional or Standard license. The Certifications Team can be reached via email at |
Connecting with NBOE HRS through Employee Self Service (ESS) and NBOEHRS.comContact: Randy Schrader, Employee Services Email: Employee Services would like to encourage all staff to become familiar with the two online tools: - 24/7 source of information Benefits, Pension, Payroll, and much more.
Employee Self Service (ESS): to complete numerous HR activities, including View Paycheck, update Direct Deposit or W-4, confirm and update Personal Information, and Submit Retirement and Resignation. |
Culture & Climate Annual Calendar SY24-25Contact: Rania Sawaged, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Email: Review the Culture & Climate Calendar SY 2024-2025. This calendar is suggested to be utilized as a guide and reference when planning for required/suggested activities, service/community projects, and additional school events throughout the school year. To streamline the artifact collection process, each month, the principal will designate one person from your school to be in charge of uploading pictures and artifacts to the relevant slide assigned to your school.
Please reference the due dates and directions. |
NBOE in the NewsStay informed on everything happening within Newark Public Schools and the Newark Board of Education! Read up on all of the many ways the district is garnering media coverage. Press Releases News Stories |
 | Teacher Talk is emailed every other Monday. The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. |
Contact Us To support and encourage highly effective instruction, Teacher Talk synthesizes information and resources that will help NPS teachers meet the expectations of the framework for effective teaching. Please open the form with Firefox or Chrome in order to add attachments.
You may submit items for inclusion in the Teacher Talk newsletter via this form: The weekly submission deadline is Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. before Monday distribution. |