As shared by your school's leadership team, this document captures the district's academic walkthrough expectations. Please review it and access it as needed for reference.
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Guidance for Staff
Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order #253, requiring all preschool to Grade 12 school personnel to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021 or be subject to COVID-19 PCR testing at minimum one to two times per week. Governor Murphy also announced that all State employees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021 or be subject to COVID-19 PCR testing at minimum one to two times per week. Therefore, please be advised that it is critical that all employees upload their proof of COVID-19 vaccinations to the Employee Self-Service System (ESS). Proof of vaccination must be uploaded immediately.
Given the Governor’s Executive Order No. 253, any district employee who does not submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required to undergo weekly COVID-19 PCR testing. You will be required to upload negative COVID-19 PCR test results on the day before you return to work by 7:00 pm. Testing must occur no more than 72 hours before results are uploaded and after work on the last day of the work week. The weekly testing upload requirement was effective beginning on Monday, September 6, 2021.
Have a great week of teaching and learning!
Deputy Superintendent Nicole T. Johnson
Message from Dr. Reilly
Dear Teachers and Staff,
Last year, problems of practice were introduced. As you know, a problem of practice is an aspect of teaching and learning that has been identified by teachers that needs to be adjusted. Teachers improve student achievement by identifying problems of practice and directly addressing them with changes to their instruction. One great example of this work is at Elliott Street School. There, Gina Onorevole, Jasmin Cantillo, and Maria Garziano have identified a need to increase student engagement (problem of practice). They began to deepen comprehension and raise engagement by shifting to Reciprocal Teaching. At Technology High School, social studies teacher, Rodni Chalet, recognized the need to provide his students with relevant knowledge. He created a series of 3-5 minute podcasts to build knowledge of World History so they could be more successful learning. Mr. Chalet and two colleagues, Ryan Sandore and Carlos Gaybore, worked together through common planning to develop resources for teaching World History.
What is compelling about the work of the Elliott Street and Technology High School teacher teams is that their work exemplifies collective teacher efficacy. Why is that so important? Collective teacher efficacy is the collective belief of teachers in their ability to positively affect students’ learning. It has an effect size of 1.57--which represents nearly 4 years of learning in a single year. When teachers work together to solve identified problems of practice, their belief in their own work intensifies too. The belief that teachers, collectively, cause learning is a most significant lever to increasing student achievement.
We cause learning. In schools where collective teacher efficacy is developed, achievement increases exponentially, retention of staff occurs, and a general feeling of purpose becomes shared.
It is the way forward.
The Office of Teaching and Learning wants to support the development of collective teacher efficacy. We know that it is teacher teams that are critical to academic success. The collective power in teachers is profoundly powerful. The process begins with you as a PLC/grade level or content level team analyzing important data you determine, naming a problem of practice, researching and designing a method to address the problem, experimenting collectively, learning along the way, succeeding and failing, and measuring what changes in student learning you and your colleagues have engineered. This, like so much, rests in your collective hands. Please let me know how we can best support your efforts.
This training session will provide information on how to support multilingual language learners in the 21st century. The training will also provide teachers with instructional tools to guide them in engaging in teacher collaboration, developing student critical thinking, and language development.
Learning a language, an aspect of becoming literate, demands that learners not only acquire vocabulary and syntax but also use languages to engage critically in our society.
Webex Info When: Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021 4:00 pm | 2 hours | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US)
The Office of Early Childhood sends out monthly news blast to Pre-K teachers based on their email in GOLD. Attached you will find September and October's News Blast. If you are not receiving the emails, please update your email in GOLD or reach out to your Teacher Coach for assistance.
The Office of Mathematics is hosting the Math & Art Desmos contest for the 2021-2022 school year. Students enrolled in Grade 6 through Calculus are encouraged to participate as creating art in Desmos Graphing Calculator provides students with an opportunity to express their creativity while simultaneously reinforcing mathematics understanding of concepts ranging from rational numbers to functions. Submissions are due April 29, 2022.
More detailed information can be accessed using this link.
Taking Care of Self is a 4-part series, that is offered for K - 12 teachers and support staff for four successive Tuesdays. Training and resources to build participants' capacity to overcome increased stress and anxiety will be offered beginning October 26, 2021 from 4pm - 5pm.
Participants will receive the contractual supplemental pay. The session descriptions and Whetstone registration links are in the attached calendar.
Whil, a digital training platform for mindfulness, resilience, and mental & emotional wellbeing has been purchased as part of the CDC Supplemental grant funding.
All NBOE employees, regardless of role, can utilize this platform free of charge for the 2021-2022 school year. In an effort to address the shift of moving from hybrid back to in-person learning, the WHIL app provides digital courses on meditation, reducing stress and anxiety, improving physical health, taking short breaks, and more. Please share this new resource with your staff and encourage them to participate.
Contact: Mariah Alston, Office of Federal Programs & Grants
Please join us in promoting the Fall 2021 Semester of NBOE’s Parent University! Parent University is a semester long schedule of courses to provide information, support, and skills to parents in order to in turn support their students. Please post the enclosed flyer to your Google Classrooms and encourage parents to attend the courses that fit their interests.
Montclair State University’s Teaching English as a Second Language Certification Program will offer teachers a fully online, non-degree program of study leading to New Jersey Department of Education English as a Second Language Certification. The program prepares certified teachers to teach ESL in addition to their first-field certification. The TESL program sequence consists of six fully online courses offered during after-school hours.
Interested Spring 2022 applicants, please attend a virtual information session: Wednesday, November 10 at 4:00 p.m. Please use the link (here) to register!
Student Support Services - Office of Student Life Newsletter (New)
Contact: Mary Garripoli, Student of Support Services - Office of Student Life
Attached please find the quarterly newsletter from Student Support Services – Office of Student Life.
In the October 2021 edition, you will find highlights, information and resources to support your students and staff. If you would like to showcase the culture and climate in your schools, please share information and artifacts regarding school activities and events with Mary Garripoli, Office of Student Life (
The information that you share, can be included in an upcoming newsletter.
The Office of Mathematics will be hosting monthly office hours the first Monday of each month to support teachers' implementation of curriculum, pedagogy, and measuring learning in the field of mathematics.
Office hourswill be heldon Monday, November 1, 2021 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Emphasis is on students' conceptual understanding, representation, and resources for student engagement. Teachers and coaches will have an opportunity to engage in a question-and-answer section.
Seeking High School Student-led Health Campaign Advisors(New)
Contact: Deborah Jennings, Office of Federal Programs and Grants
The CDC DASH Grant manager is seeking one advisor from each of the high schools to support groups of 5-8 students in conducting health campaigns in their respective schools from November 2021 to February 2022 - during out of school time.
Advisors' responsibilities will be to attend a one-time orientation; recruit students, conduct 1-2 meetings with students monthly; respond to bi-monthly queries regarding students' progress, status, needs, etc. Advisors will be paid the supplemental rate. Positions are limited. If interested contact: before November 5.
Contact: Ana Osoria, Student Support Services - Office of Student Life
Please see the attached flyer for information and dates regarding the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act: Resource Hour.
This virtual resource hour will be featuring a different community agency on a monthly basis to discuss strategies, resources and information on a specific area that affects our most vulnerable population. The first virtual program will be held on November 3, 2021 from 10 am - 11 am. We strongly recommend that student support staff (guidance counselors, social workers and parent liaisons) attend this program.
Panasonic Corporation of North America and the Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning are pleased to present the 2021 – 2022 Student Eco Citizenship Program.
This FREE multi-disciplinary, experiential learning program is created for 5th-8th grade students and includes:
· Four ready-to-use lessons for student teams to conduct an environmental project. · Alignment to Next Generation Science Standards
The program can be conducted in the classroom or virtually.Register here by October 26, 2021.
In accordance with state guidelines in the fight against COVID-19, districts were to establish a Pandemic Response Team. In Newark, the Pandemic Response Team (PRT) includes the Principal, Case Manager, School Counselor/Social Worker, School Nurse, School Safety, Teacher, Parent Liaison, etc. Additionally, members of this team meet with the Superintendent monthly to ensure alignment with guidelines provided by the CDC and Newark Health Department, and district protocols as we continue to operate during in-person learning. Should you have questions about protocols, please feel free to reach out to members on your school’s Pandemic Response Team.
We encourage you to remain patient and flexible with receiving updates as we know the CDC’s guidelines continue to change as new information is made available.
The month of October reminds us that students, parents, teachers/staff and school administrators all play a role in Bully Prevention Month. Positive change comes as we begin to emphasize respect and inclusion on school campuses across the country. The attached Padlet link provides resources and suggested activities to enhance the educational experience at your schools and promote a climate and culture that is positive and productive. In addition, there is also a link for HIB/Discipline Reporting Overview and HIB Program Compliance Mandates.
Office of Science in partnership with NSTA Presents K-2 Science Teacher Cohort: Web Seminar Series-Support Student Sense-Making. This series of eight 90-minute web seminars ranging starting at 3:20pm - 4:50pm from November 9, 2021 - June 7, 2022.
Web seminar dates:
November 9, 2021 December 13, 2021 January 11, 2022 February 14, 2022 March 14, 2022 April, 11, 2022 May 9, 2022 June 7, 2022
Contact: Timothy Nellegar, Educational Technology-Office of Teaching and Learning Email:
On Monday, October 25th the New Jersey Devils are inviting you to join them for a virtual Future Goals - Hockey Scholar information session at 4:00pm!
Hockey Scholar is an online learning course for 4th- 8th grade that can be used as a supplemental component of the Computer Science curriculum. This program uses hockey to empower students to understand the real world applications of STEM principles.
Enter Students in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Contact: Margaret El, Visual and Performing Arts Email:
Engage your students to participate in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. This year’s Northern NJ Art Region ceremony will take place in Newark at Gallery Aferro! We want to be sure our hometown student artists participate. Teens in grades 7–12 (ages 13 and up) can apply in 28 categories of art and writing.
The site is fully live for the region to accept student entries.
Registration Open for NJSO Training Ensemble Grades 4-12
Contact: Margaret El, Visual and Performing Arts Email:
NJSO Training Ensemble is BACK and more robust than ever!
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Please see the attached PDFs for registration details and instructions. Offering both in-person and virtual programs for beginner string students grades 4-12. Please feel free to pass it along to any family that may be interested in the program. Samuel McDonald, Education Manager ( can answer any questions or be of any help in the registration process and do not hesitate to contact him directly on his cellphone (732-366-3694).
The Yogi Berra Museum is offering a FREE professional development workshop to learn the NBA Math Hoops game and curriculum, gain free access to the Learn Fresh program and all materials, and improve your 4th to 8th grade students' math skills (and have fun in the process)! The sessions are November 10, 2021 from 4:30pm -6:00 p.m. (In-Person) as follows:
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center On the campus of Montclair State University 8 Yogi Berra Drive, Little Falls, NJ
Contact: Julianne Bello, Office of Extended Learning Time Email:
The Office of Extended Learning Time will be provide 1:1 counseling for high school seniors and their parents to support the completion of their FAFSA applications.
Guidance personnel should be available during evening hours and possibly weekends. Interested counselors are asked to reply here.
All 3rd to 12th grade students will take the Fall SEL Assessment the first week of November. Use the attached documents to assist with administration. As a reminder, this is NOT a test; it is a check-in to measure what social emotional skill sets the students are strong in and need support with. Results from assessment will assist schools in forming groups for follow up as well as students who can possibly be utilized as peer mentors.
NOTE: Assessments are assigned by the school on the platform.
The focus of this training will be to share tips and guidance with cooperating teachers and administrators on how to set up their student teachers for success and how we will support them in creating a pathway to becoming full time teachers in our district.
Date: October 28th from 3:15PM-4:15PM Audience: Co-op Teachers & Principals Host: April Venable
The Newark Board of Education continues to create a district-wide culture of continuous learning for all to support the growth and development for all district personnel. We are excited to announce that Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal is currently offering a series of free professional development opportunities for our instructional personnel.
Please use the link to register for the professional development sessions that best meets your needs.
We understand the need for intentional moments to disconnect, regroup and ground ourselves for ongoing inner strength. To help alleviate challenge with locating support and managing a busy schedule, NBOE and OSL will continue providing a Staff Support Group (Spa) in the Fall from September 15th - December 22nd.
Sessions will run biweekly on Wednesdays from 5:15pm - 6:15pm. This is an opportunity for employees to learn more about topics that can impact overall mental health and well-being. It is open to all staff and will be facilitated by an outside licensed clinician.
Contact: Timothy Nellegar, Office of Teaching and Learning-Educational Technology Email:
The Office of Educational Technology will host Office Hours on Tuesdays from 3:00PM - 3:45PM.
This is an opportunity for you to come and learn about the latest strategies, platforms and resources. Please follow this link to the session. We look forward to seeing you there.
Office of Health & Physical Education Office Hours
Contact: Krystle Rhett, Health & Physical Education - Office of Teaching & Learning
The Office of Health, Physical Education and Athletics will be hosting office hours for teachers. During the months of September and October, we will cover the following topics during the sessions in addition to discussing best practices and providing resources to support student achievement:
- Health & PE Curricular Guides Review and Implementation - K-12 SPARK PE Curriculum - KidsFit - McGraw Hill Health textbook
Sessions will be as follows:
Elementary H/PE Teachers Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-3:45
High School H/PE Teachers: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-3:45
Please use department Google Classroom Link to join all sessions.
The Office of Student Life will host FAFSA Parent Workshops in both English and Spanish to support our families with the completion of the FAFSA. The Webex Link, Meeting ID and Password are provided for easy access (excluding the September 15, 2021 workshop). All workshop sessions begin at 5:00pm. Our partner in this process is the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority.
If you have any questions regarding the fall series, please contact Vernon Pullins Jr., Supervisor, Student Support Services, Office of Student Life at
The purpose of the "All Kids to Calculus" program is to provide elementary school teachers a minimum of 30 credit hours of higher level mathematics courses at the university level.
This enables you to provide Algebra 1 to grade 8 students in all of Newark Board of Education schools, thereby ensuring all students have the opportunity to reach Calculus in high school. This program is 6 semesters (3 years). Note that the tuition and textbooks are paid for by NBOE.
If you are interested in this opportunity, fill out the Google Form (here).
The Office of Student Life will provide monthly training sessions to SST and I&RS Teams.
REQUIRED ATTENDANCE: Administrator overseeing SST and the SST Coordinator, Administrator overseeing I&RS and I&RS Coordinator. *All other team members are welcome to join.*
SY 21-22 Meeting Dates: September 17th, October 25th, November 29th, December 9th, January 24th, February 28th, March 28th, April 25th, May 5th and June 2nd.
Teacher Talk will be delivered every other Monday.
The submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday.
NPS Mobile App!
The district's NPS Mobile App is now available for download for both Apple iOS and Android. With this app you, can:
• Receive Push Notifications when there is inclement weather and school closings
• Track news feeds (powered by your school web site, Facebook and Twitter accounts) at the district and school level
• Look up commonly-sought information directly from the mobile app
Contact Us
To support and encourage highly effective instruction, Teacher Talk synthesizes information and resources that will help NPS teachers meet the expectations of the framework for effective teaching. Teacher Talk is typically published every other Monday. Please open the form with Firefox or Chrome in order to add attachments.