2019-2020 Pay dates: As per NPS, these are the pay dates for the 2019-2010 school year. Unless indicated, all pay checks are for ten (10) days.
Remember that all full-time staff are paid to the day, not a week behind. The “pay period” on top of staff’s check often creates confusion about that.
- September 6, 2019 (9 days)
- September 20, 2019
- October 4, 2019
- October 18, 2019
- November 1, 2019
- November 15, 2019
- November 27, 2019
- December 13, 2019
- December 20, 2019
- January 10, 2020
- January 24, 2020
- February 7, 2020
- February 21, 2020
- March 6, 2020
- March 20, 2020
- April 3, 2020
- April 9, 2020
- May 1, 2020
- May 15, 2020
- May 29, 2020
- June 12, 2020
- June 22, 2020 (6 days)
Unless indicated, all paychecks are for ten (10) days
20 pay period @10 days + 1 pay period @ 9 days + 1 pay period @ 6 days = 215 days
To calculate your daily rate, divide your salary by 215.
To calculate your weekly salary, multiple your daily rate by 10.