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NTU Update - November 3, 2017


1)     Wilson Avenue School – Last week, a fuel oil leak was discovered at Wilson Ave School. As in all similar circumstances, the NTU had representatives on site and also dispatched V.P. and Sec Treasurer Michael Iovino to the school to speak with Administrators and staff and assist in communication. NTU President John Abeigon also visited the site twice and spoke with officials who explained the cleanup process and assured us that the building is safe to occupy.

Initial recommendations from health officials regarding the oil leak at Wilson Ave were that the school did not warrant being closed. There was further environmental testing done 10/29 & 10/30: those results came back negative. Click here to see those results.

- No VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound ) above NJDEP Vapor Intrusion Guidance Levels for residential environments

- All Semi-volatile (PAH) (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) compounds below Method Detection Limits (None Detected).

This unfortunate situation, at a building that has twice during takeover been evacuated for facility concerns, only serves to underscore our commitment to fully funded urban education.

2) Calendar for Next week: Just a reminder that in our new contract, NTU members now have 5 personal days.

·         Monday, November 6 – School Open. If absent, employee must use personal day unless it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.

·         Tuesday, November 7 – Election Day. School closed.

·         Wednesday, November 8 – School Open.   If absent, employee must use personal day unless it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.

·         Thursday, November 9 – Puerto Rico Day Observance School closed.

·         Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day. School closed.

·         Monday, November 13 - School Open.   If absent, employee must use personal day unless it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.

3) Teachers twice as stressed as everyone else! A survey of nearly 5,000 educators released Oct. 30 by the AFT and the Badass Teachers Association shows that nearly two-thirds of educators usually feel stressed out, twice the level felt by workers in the general population. Most surveyed feel demoralized and disrespected by state and federal officials, especially Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Check out the survey and results at the above link.

4) LAST CALL! AFTNJ Professional Development Bootcamp: Our partners in the AFTNJ are offering free professional development on Nov 9 and 10 in a variety of areas.

The AFTNJ is happy to announce that we will be partnering again with AFT National to provide high-quality, research based AFT Professional Development. The two-day event is structured as two stand-alone professional development sessions in order to allow flexibility for AFTNJ members. AFTNJ members can attend one or both days to double up on their professional learning. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Boot Camp is free for all AFT members, but registration is required. Discounted hotel accommodations are available (listed below). AFTNJ cannot be responsible for travel or lodging expenses.

For more information, check out this flyer!

5) NTUniversity: The NTU is in the process of developing a calendar of workshops for members and we are requesting proposals. If you are interested in presenting to your fellow NTU members, please review the following requirements and draft a submission. All presenters will be given a stipend of $50.00/session.

6) Kudos –If you have anything you’d like added to the NTU’s website (kudos, pictures/videos from your school, etc), just send it to There a lot of amazing things going on in the Newark Public Schools, and it’s important to highlight them!

Just in the last few weeks we’ve had features on East Side and Camden Street. Let’s make your school next!\

Upcoming Schedule:

  • The NTU Education Resource Center will be closed the week of November 5 - November 10.  
  • The NTU Offices will be closed on Tuesday, November 7, and Thursday and Friday, November 9 and 10.

In Solidarity,

John M. Abeigon
President & Director of Organization

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

Mike Maillaro
Director of Research & Communication

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

Michael R. Iovino

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

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