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Four NTU members have been nominated and approved for Member Recognition Awards at the NTU’s 2018-2019 Hall of Fame Dinner! We are working on notifying the awardees, and we will release their names next week. We have awardees from:
Franklin School!!!
Camden Street!!!
Gladys Hillman Jones!!!
Lafayette Street School!!!
We look forward to seeing all the staff from these schools sharing in the joy! Buy enough tickets to fill a table! Sponsor an award! Buy an ad in our ad journal! It is time to bring the pride back to the Newark Public Schools! The Arts High Latin Band will be performing and all proceeds go directly to providing scholarships for the members, members' children, and the students of Newark!
Our Executive Board has asked that we extend the deadline, so we will be continuing to take Member Recognition Applications until next Friday, April 27, 2018! If there is an NTU member you would like to see honored, please fill out the below nomination form and get it to the NTU (attn: Education Resource Department) by April 27, 2018!
- We met with NPS regarding NTU-proposed changes to their tentative 2018-2019 school calendar.
- Sick Day Bank Committee met and outlined procedures and policies for our new Sick Day Bank. More info to come.
- We met with the Superintendent regarding Snow Days. During the meeting, the Superintendent agreed to restore days to staff who pro-actively took off before schools were announced as closed. We are working closely with the district on procedures on preventing these issues moving forward. Next week, NPS is meeting with the County Superintendent on what is going to be done about making up this year’s snow days.
NTU Legal Update: Without a doubt you have a difficult and, at times, frustrating job. Yes, the rewards to you can be great but the personal harm that can befall you can be disastrous. Too many of you have heard students say “I’m going to get you fired” and far too many administrators have unjustifiably called DYFS bringing unfair pressure upon wonderful teachers and aides. I fear this culture will unfortunately not cease.
The Newark Teachers Union for decades has repeated over and over and over again Hands Off – Hands Off – Hands Off (except when necessary to prevent an injury to altercation students). Stay Professional – Stay Professional – Stay Professional.
On Wednesday, April 12, 2018, Governor Murphy signed into law a bill to screen the teacher history of those entering the profession and those transferring from one district to another. You are in a “minefield” of certain students and parents who know more about DYFS than you. Every Newark School District staff member must discuss with their colleagues the seriousness of a DYFS allegation and consequences. Spring is here and the allegations go through the roof between now and the last day of school. Let’s unite in our effort to make it through the “minefield”. Teachers, aides, substitute teachers, NTU Building Reps, NTU Vice Presidents, NTU Building Committees, NTU School Management and SST Teams must all talk this subject up so that no one in our District is found guilty of substantiated child abuse whether sexual or substantiated neglect of supervisory duty.
NTU Outreach – Don’t forget to visit our website ( and follow us on Facebook ( for updated information, forms, and resources!
Other Information
- NTU Building Policies – In order to protect the safety of our members and the NTU staff, the NTU will be making some changes to our Building policies.
- Anyone entering the NTU Building must sign it at the front desk and show a picture ID.
- Only members of the NTU Bargaining Unit (Full Member and Agency Shop) will be allowed onto the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floor without prior permission.
- When possible, NTU Members should call in advance and make an appointment.
- DYFS – Attached is information on NTU’s Child Abuse Neglect Prevention and Protection Program. Please review this document! It could save your career! We have been seeing a large number of DYFS cases every week.
- NTUniversity: If you are interested in presenting a workshop to your fellow NTU members, please review the following requirements and draft a submission. All presenters will be given a stipend of $50.00/session
- Kudos – The NTU website is regularly updated with a wide variety of important information. If you have anything you’d like added to the website (kudos, pictures/videos from your school, etc), just send it to There a lot of amazing things going on in the Newark Public Schools, and it’s important to highlight them!
- Newark Board of Education Meeting - April 24, 6:00 PM, Belmont Runyon School
- RESCHEDULED NTU Building Rep Meeting –April 26, 4:00 pm – 1019 Broad Street.
- NTU Hall of Fame Dinner – Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 6:30 PM – Robert Treat Hotel
- NPS Business Meeting – May 15, 2018, 5:30 PM – NPS Offices, 765 Broad Street
- NTU Executive Board Meeting – May 16, 2018 – 4:00 – NTU Offices, 1019 Broad Street