1. Contract Update – We are hoping to finalize all contract documents in the next few days. Our goal is to have everything out to the membership by the end of the week, including a specific calendar of events, and the terms of the tentative agreement for your review.
IF everything is finalized, the negotiations team will be available to answer questions at the NTU a couple days over break and a special email will be set up for more questions. Oonce we are back from Spring Break, we will hold a membership meeting to formally present the tentative contract agreement, and several days of Q+A sessions before a ratification vote later in the month
2. Seton Hall Informational Meeting - Seton Hall University will be holding an Open House/Information Session for their next Executive M.A. & Ed.S Degree Program in Education Leadership, Management, and Policy on Thursday 6, 2017 at 4:30pm at the NTU Offices at 1019 Broad Street, Newark.
For more information, see the attached flyer.
3. NPS Teacher Referral Program – NPS has announced they are starting a Teacher Referral Program. For every teacher you refer who gets hired as a teacher at NPS for the 2017-18 school year, you will receive $200. Referrals can be made here.
Please see attached flyer for more information.
In Solidarity,
John M. Abeigon President & Director of Organization Newark Teachers Union Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO | Michael Maillaro Director of Research & Communication Newark Teachers Union Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO | Michael R. Iovino Secretary Treasurer Newark Teachers Union Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO |