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Your Union in Action: what was going on at NTU this week?
Every day students are telling teachers, “I’m going to get you fired” and then that student will tell an administrator or parent a boldface lie that you touched them inappropriately by hitting or kicking them or made sexual contact. Remember, the rule is hands off unless you have to intercede to separate students about to harm one another and if you have to do so, be cautious not to touch head or neck areas. Call security if time allows. Do not escalate the situation. Use “Handle with Care” methods when touching students. Ask to be trained in Handle with Care.
Be careful what you say to students. Words can hurt and can bring DYFS charges. Failing and disruptive students will say anything to get you out of the class. Make sure that you write incident reports, submit them and keep a copy for yourself.
Let’s reduce the four to seven weekly allegations against teachers and aides to zero.
Please discuss this with your coworkers. Civil Service terminations, termination of non-tenured teachers and tenure charges are the District’s response to DYFS allegations even though unfounded in substance. The District, unfortunately, spares no expense in firing you and believes the student more than dedicated and experienced teachers. They have a cruel “zero tolerance” attitude despite the facts. Call the Union if you are charged with anything and before you speak or are questioned. 973-643-8430.
Your livelihood is at stake!

We are relying on your continued support and good will to continue this worthy endeavor.
Applications and purchasing information can be found below and on our website.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Johanna Rios or Venetta Smith (973) 643-8430 or e-mail
NTU Outreach – Don’t forget to visit our website ( and follow us on Facebook for updated information, forms, and resources!
Other Information
- NTUniversity: If you are interested in presenting a workshop to your fellow NTU members, please review the following requirements and draft a submission. All presenters will be given a stipend of $50.00/session
- Kudos – The new NTU website is regularly updated with a wide variety of important information, including a calendar of events, and how to’s for topics like FMLA’s. If you have anything you’d like added to the website (kudos, pictures/videos from your school, etc), just send it to mmaillaro@newarkteachersunion.
com .. There a lot of amazing things going on in the Newark Public Schools, and it’s important to highlight them!
- Rebuttal Tips: IMPORTANT!! It is vital that if you receive a bad evaluation or observation that you disagree with, YOU MUST WRITE A REBUTTAL! Refusing to sign your observation or evaluation is not the same as writing a rebuttal! Without a rebuttal, the record has nothing to show except that you agreed with this negative assessment of your performance. The NTU has prepared some tips on the best way to go about writing your rebuttal.
- Member Services: Members should never hesitate to communicate with us by phone, email, etc regarding any of the issues we handle at the Newark Teachers Union.
- Supplemental Fringe Benefits
- Planning for Retirement
- Pension & Buy Back Issues
- ER+D Staff Development
- AFT Membership Benefits
- FMLA and other leaves of absence
- Assistance with Evaluations and Observations
- Disciplinary Hearings
- Labor Relations & Payroll
- Legal Representation
- Workers Comp
- Tuition Reimbursement
Call 973-643-8430 or visit our website to address these or any other concerns you may have.
Important dates:
- NTU Executive Board Meeting – Wednesday, March 14, 2017 – 4:00 pm – 1019 Broad Street.
- NTU Building Rep Meeting – Thursday, March 15, 2017 – 4:00 pm – 1019 Broad Street.
- Newark Board of Education Business Meeting - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. - 765 Broad Street, Lower Level Conference Room
- Newark Board of Education Meeting - Tuesday, March 20 - 6:00 p.m.- Barringer High School Campus, 90 Parker Street
- In-Service Day (1:00 pm dismissal for students)
- Spring Recess – March 26-30
· Friday, March 23, 2018 – School Open. If absent, employee must use personal day if not it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.
· Monday, April 2, 2018 – School Open. If absent, employee must use personal day if not it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.