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NTU Update - May 19, 2017


1)     Contract Update: We have gotten a lot of questions about “When we will be receiving our retro checks?” We are working with NPS to get them out as soon as possible. Right now, we know that they will be two separate checks (one for 2015-2016 and one for 2016-2017 school year) and both checks will be out by July 15 at the latest.

If you have any contract questions, continue to send them to Thank you

2)     Escrow Checks – If you have the four check option, your checks will be coming out July 14th , July 28th August 11th and August 25th, 2017.

If you have the one check option, your check will be coming on June 16, 2017

3)   Seton Hall Informational Meeting - Seton Hall University will be holding an Open House/Information Session for their next Executive M.A. & Ed.S Degree Program in Education Leadership, Management, and Policy on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 4:30pm at the NTU Offices at 1019 Broad Street, Newark.

In Solidarity,

John M. Abeigon

President & Director of Organization

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

Michael Maillaro

Director of Research & Communication

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

Michael R. Iovino
Secretary Treasurer

Newark Teachers Union

Local 481 AFT, AFL-CIO

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