1) Revised Tuition Reimbursement Forms – Because of changes we negotiated in our contract, we have made revisions to the Tuition Reimbursement Forms. Please use this version moving forward! Thank you!
2) Open enrollment - Open Enrollment 2018 is effective now through Tuesday, October 31, 2017. The elections you make during Open Enrollment will remain in effect from January 1, 2018 until December 31, 2018. Now is the time to make any changes you need to your health benefits and to make sure everybody is covered in your family.
It’s also the time to sign up for the Flexible Spending Plans. There are two types of plans one for medical (Covers out of pocket expenses for dental, vision, and many other things that our regular plan does not cover) and one for child care. The most important part of this its Pre-Tax Dollars. So you save both ways: out of pocket and at tax time!
There is much more information on open enrollment available on our website!
3) Kudos – The new NTU website is regularly updated with a wide variety of important information, including a calendar of events, and how to’s for topics like FMLA’s. If you have anything you’d like added to the website (kudos, pictures/videos from your school, etc), just send it to mmaillaro@newarkteachersunion.com.. There a lot of amazing things going on in the Newark Public Schools, and it’s important to highlight them!
Just in the last few weeks we’ve had features on East Side and Camden Street. Let’s make your school next!
4) NTUniversity: The NTU is in the process of developing a calendar of workshops for members and we are requesting proposals. If you are interested in presenting to your fellow NTU members, please review the following requirements and draft a submission. All presenters will be given a stipend of $50.00/session.
5) AFTNJ Professional Development Bootcamp: Our partners in the AFTNJ are offering free professional development on Nov 9 and 10 in a variety of areas.
The AFTNJ is happy to announce that we will be partnering again with AFT National to provide high-quality, research based AFT Professional Development. The two-day event is structured as two stand-alone professional development sessions in order to allow flexibility for AFTNJ members. AFTNJ members can attend one or both days to double up on their professional learning. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Boot Camp is free for all AFT members, but registration is required. Discounted hotel accommodations are available (listed below). AFTNJ cannot be responsible for travel or lodging expenses.
For more information, check out this flyer!
Important Dates:
Tuesday, October 17, 6 PM – NPS School Board Meeting @Arts High School