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NTU Updates

Click here for this week's update!

In This Issue:

1) Getting rid of a broken evaluation system

2) Early Childhood Committee

3) Take Action!  Lower health benefit costs

4) And more!


 1) Health Benefits/Open Enrollment: Last Saturday, NBOE finally updated the Employee Health Benefits Portal.  Check your email for the site and login info.

You will be able to find information on the various options for Health and Dental Plans and other services offered through our Benefits packages.  If you would like to see what your contribution cost will look like starting in January, you need to access the Chapter 78 tab.

Reminder!  All staff who are currently on the Aetna 2020 plan will automatically be moved to a lower copay plan ($10 for generalists, $15 for specialists).   There are


Click here for this week's update

In this Update

1) NBOE Discipline Policy

2) Flexible Spending Accounts

3) Discounts on Upcoming Prudential Center Events

And more


Click for this week's update!


In This Issue:

1) Rebuttal Tips

2) Health Benefits Open Enrollment

3) MA/PhD Retro Payments

And More!