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Special Ed/Student Services Town Hall
This morning, on Facebook Live the NTU hosted the NBOE Offices of Special Education and Student Services in a Town Hall to address upcoming changes to these programs and to answer staff and student questions.    The video is posted on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.  We will be continuing to add content like this throughout the school year, so follow us on Facebook and Subscribe on YouTube to ensure you have the most up to date information!

Inside This issue (click for update):

1) Payroll Update
2) Evaluation Update
3) Social

IMPORTANT SURVEY!  For staff who are doing remote learning, we are looking to find out if you will be working from home, school, or a combination of both.  Click here for a quick one question survey  Thank you!

Member rights during COVID - Click here for some important resources regarding your rights to child care leaves, FMLA, and 504 Accomodations!

Inside this week's update (click here to read)

1) Welcome Back

2) Important Payroll information

3) Loan Forgiveness

4) NTU Parent Guide to Google CLassroom



Dear Members: 

As previously shared with you, the American Federation of Teachers sits on the statewide reopening committee. NTU sits on the local version. We have long pushed for and can now confirm that the decision of when to close a classroom, a school building or an entire district will not be solely a local decision.  If one or two students or teachers is diagnosed with the coronavirus in a New Jersey classroom, everyone he or she came close to at school could be asked to stay home for 14 days, according to new state guidelines. But if two people in different classrooms have confirmed


1) COVID/Reopening Updates

2) Updated Tuition Reimbursement Form

3) Distance Learning Library




Attached is the Newark Board of Education Reopening Plan.  It is important to remember that this is the plan as of this moment.  Things are constantly changing as new guidance comes down from the CDC and state.    
The plan is also broad in places as individual school, staff members and students will require much more specifics.  Each school (under state guidelines) must have their own plans and "Pandemic Response Team," so expect to see much more in the coming weeks.

The District Reopening Taskforce continues to meet regularly.   If you have any concerns or additional

The NTU has been active on Youtube and Facebook Live answering members COVID-19 and reopening questions.  More to come!

School Reopening Updates

It is important to note that all information below and in the attached documents were accurate at the time they were created.  Everything can and will continue to change rapidly.  For example, included with this email is the PowerPoint the district gave to the Summer Pilot Program, which details the ingress procedures and sanitizing procedures schools will be using. But that document was created on July 1, 2020 before the pilot guided the process.

It has