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Our election efforts have begun to pay off by virtue of an AFT member being confirmed to the State Board of Education. Elaine Bobgrove has been our friend and fellow union activist for decades. She will be a board member who well understands what the state takeover has truly been about and will listen and act on our more here



1)     December Pay Checks: Payroll Reminder! December is a three pay-check month. For full time ten month employees, you will be paid on December 1 (covering 11/20 to 12/01), December 15 (covering 12/04 to 12/15), and December 21

(covering 12/18 to 12/29).  The first paycheck in January will be January 12, 2018.

In order to get paid for the full Winter Break, if you are going to be absent on December 21 or January 2, you must take a personal day. The only way you can use a sick day for those days is if it is part of an approved medical leave.

2)     Coverage Survey: As with


As with everything involving the Newark Public Schools, we need data!
During the flu season and in the middle of holiday preparation, there are a lot of staff who may not be in school. If this is happening at your school, please answer these questions.

This survey is anonymous. We will not share identifying information with the district or your administrators.

In Solidarity,

John M. Abeigon


Newark Public Schools



1)  Observations – IMPORTANT!  If you receive an Ineffective or Partial Effective on your observation, YOU SHOULD WRITE A REBUTTAL.  Without a rebuttal, the record has nothing to show except that you agreed with this negative observation.   And these observations can have a dramatic impact on your salary or tenure rights.  Please review these Rebuttal tips attached.

2)  Mid-Year Evaluation -  Under TeachNJ, Mid-Year Evaluations are only required for teachers on Corrective Action Plans (teachers who received an ineffective or partially effective on their end of the year evaluation).  



1) Schedule - Just a reminder that in our new contract, NTU members now have 5 personal days. Also remember that only 3 of these 5 personal days roll over as sick days if they are unused by the end of the school year.  

·       Wednesday, November 22 – School Open. 1 PM Closing. If absent, employee must use a personal day. You can only use a sick day if it’s a part of an extended or short term sick leave.

·       Thursday - Friday, November 23-24 – Thanksgiving. School Closed.  

·       Monday, November 27 - School Open.   If absent, employee must use a personal day. You can only use


Jordan Thomas beat out 2000 other applicants to be named a Rhodes Scholar.  He is one of only 32 selected from the United States this year.  He will be heading to England in October for his masters at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar then going to law school for his JD,

Jordan Thomas is the son of Neil Thomas, NTU Vice President from American History High.  Jordan is also a NPS graduate.

Jordan D. Thomas is a senior at Princeton University where he is majoring at  the  Woodrow  Wilson  School  of  Public  and  International  Affairs  and  double  minoring  in Portuguese Language and Culture