1) DYFS Update - It is October 6, 2015 and already numerous false allegations of child abuse have been made. Please be adroitly aware that child abuse, child neglect and child lack of supervision charges are the stepping stone to discipline charges, terminations, increment denials and tenure charges. We vigorously defend you when allegations are made, but it is imperative that as faculties talk amongst themselves of the serious consequences wrought by child abuse charges.
All employees should do their very best to not physically touch students. Parents will immediately report you as an alleged child abuser. You have the duty and obligation to protect yourself students and the property of the Board of Education against harm and you may use reasonable restraints in protecting such. Utilize security “if they respond” and strategies which ensure you are not inflicting corporal punishment on students. Your career, employment and license are valuable to you.
Do not verbally abuse or denigrate and be careful of any movements or actions by yourself which can be misinterpreted. Students daily tell teachers they are going to get them fired or report them for child abuse. Students failing classes or who misbehave will turn the tables on you claiming you assaulted or even touched them inappropriately.
Be wise enough to know that students have conspired against teachers and brought criminal charges in courts. Be mindful of your class roster and where students are at all times especially at dismissal where students take advantage and without permission leave classrooms. Keep head counts at all times and to the best of your ability. At your faculty meetings this issue must be discussed.
You are in a mine field and a total hands off policy except when necessary should be your conscience rule. Once you step into a student’s territory you are open to allegations beyond your imagination.
2) NTU Building Reps: We have many buildings without Building Reps at this time. If you are interested in being your school’s Building Rep, please complete the application, and returned as per instructions. It is vital that we get a Rep at each Building site!
3) City Hall Candlelight Vigil - October 19, 2015 5 PM - Newark is calling on all outraged public school employees and their representatives, local and statewide supporters of public education to mount a candlelight vigil on the steps of Newark City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Monday, October 19th at 5 p.m. to protest another charter school opening at the Central Planning Board meeting
4) City of Newark honors Joseph Del Grosso - The city of Newark will be dedicating Beecher Street in honor of NTU’s former President Joseph Del Grosso. The street dedication will take place on Thursday, October 15, 2015, 4:00 p.m., on the corner of Broad Street and West Kinney
5) Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk – October 18 - The "NTU... Teach for a Cure" team has been registered for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Broad Street on 10/18/2015. In honor of those who are battling, who have survived and who we have lost.
6) Newark 350th Anniversary Celebration - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! - The City of Newark is celebrating it's 350th anniversary this year. As an integral part of the city, NTU would like to assist in commemorating this most exciting time. The Community Engagement/Social Justice Committee is asking for members to volunteer some of their time to volunteer/assist in "Newark Celebration 350." The date is Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015, from 11:30-5:00.General information for the event is below. Please respond to if you are interested. Deadline is Friday for submission of names to event coordinator.