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NTU Update - May 10, 2019


1)      Teacher Appreciation Week

On behalf of the NTU, we would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation for your time and effort you put in each day, 185 days a year. Schools are busy places, and teachers are busy people, so it’s not surprising that sometimes we miss out on chances to stop and reflect upon the influence our teachers wield over the young people in their care. Often, it’s the little conversations, the easily-forgotten asides, the friendly smile or brief compliment that means the most to our teachers and staff. 

 So, thank you to all the teachers out there in Newark Public Schools. We want to thank you for your consistent dedication, your patience, and most of all your ability to persevere through it all. The impact on our students will live on for a lifetime. 


2)      President’s Report – Civil Service Update:

If you may recall a few updates ago I referenced a Civil Service corrective action plan was imminent.  As I write this Newark Board of Education Superintendent Roger León is scheduled to address affected employees at 1 p.m.  A little background is in order. Between 2012—2017, the fake administrators running the district; Anderson, Rodriguez, Cerf, Shambaugh, etc. had devised a plan to divide and once and for all conquer public unions in the district—most specifically, the NTU.

As much as they hated you and as much as they sought to destroy us through layoffs and the creation of bogus unaffiliated titles, there was/is no disputing the fact that the Newark school district operates under the provisions of the Civil Service Act—a fact that the current Superintendent accepts.

I’m certain that Superintendent León will give a more detailed explanation of what happened and how the district intends to correct this failure to cooperate with NJ laws and regulations by his predecessors.

The analogy I communicated to you then is the one I will use now.  The Superintendent has been given a deck of cards by the NJ Civil Service Commission; on the one hand he holds Civil Service titles, in the other Seniority.  Titles and dates of hire dictate how the cards will be dealt.  As painful as this may be to some of you, he is under an Order of Compliance.

It’s your anger, and you can take it out on whoever you wish, but let’s not forget the names of the SOB’s who left us in this position; Anderson, Rodriguez, Cerf, Shambaugh.


3)      NTU Election Results:

The April 29, 2019 Newark Teachers Union Membership and Nomination Meeting was called to order this afternoon as publicized. Pursuant to the NTU Constitution, the nomination and seconding by members of those who seek office in the Newark Teachers Union as President, Secretary-Treasurer and 29 Vice Presidents and Executive Board Members

There being no other candidates nominated other than the United For Change slate, a motion and second for a single vote was cast in favor of the United For Change slate and they were duly elected as Officers of the NTU for a two year term:

President John M. Abeigon

Secretary Treasurer: Michael Iovino

Vice Presidents

· VP Justin Petino

· VP Yvette Jordan

· VP Kathy Murphy-Butler

· VP Neil Thomas

· VP Tennille Wasek

· VP Josephine Donnellan

· VP Jennifer Ramos

· VP Victor Afonso

· VP John Cunha

· VP Ronnie D Carney

· VP Nancy Gianni

· VP Chris Canik

· VP Donna Charles

· VP Franciso Garcia

· VP Carmen Lopez Wolf

· VP Marisa Rodriguez

· VP Timothy Carr

· VP Misha Smith

· VP Ryan Sandor

· VP Cristine Balboa

· VP Noor Alam

· VP Samuel Galvez

· VP Larry Sullivan

· VP Cassandra Talmadge

· VP Jerry Moore

· VP Juan Alvarez

· VP Clarence Jones

· VP Anthony Moreno

· VP Alicia Malave-Diaz

4)      Non-Tenure Teacher Update

By May 15, you should receive either a non-reoffering letter or a contract in the mail for the 2019-2020 school year from the Newark Public Schools.


If you are a non-tenured teacher who received a letter of non-reoffering, you need to reach out to the Newark Teachers Union immediately!  


Click this link:CAUSE/HEARING REQUEST to Request the Causes for non-reoffering and your Donaldson Hearing 

· Print the letter and send it in certified/return receipt requested and save your receipt

· You have TEN DAYS from receipt/notification of non-reoffering to send this letter (make sure you CC the appropriate people as indicated)


Click and print this DONALDSON CHECKLIST and complete it as soon as possible

You will hear from us in the coming weeks for an important meeting that you must attend in preparation for your hearing. You will be required to bring your completed checklist and the materials.



Fill out your contract and send it back to the district accepting employment for next year!



If you don’t receive a non-reoffering or a contract for 2019-2020 school year BY MAY 15, you should immediately follow the directions on the enclosed form.

 Please call the NTU (973) 643-8430 with any and all questions you may have in regards to the 2019-2020 school year.

5)      Save The Date

 · Tuesday, May 14, 3:45 PM—NTU Executive Board Meeting,  Newark Teachers Union, 1019 Broad Street

  Wednesday, May 15, 6:30—NTU Hall of Fame Dinner, Robert Treat Hotel

 · Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 5:30 PM—NPS Business Meeting, 765 Broad Street

 · Wednesday, May 22, 2019 = 3:45 PM  - NTU Building Rep Meeting, 1019 Broad Street


 We are looking for Workshops, Presentations, Activities to be presented by our  members, for our members.  Please reach out to Cristina Balboa if you are interested!


NTU Members should never hesitate to communicate with us by phone, email, etc regarding any of the issues we handle at the Newark Teachers Union.

· Supplemental Fringe Benefits

· Planning for Retirement

· Pension & Buy Back Issues

· ER+D Staff Development

· AFT Membership Benefits

· FMLA and other leaves of absence

· Assistance with Evaluations and Observations

· Disciplinary Hearings

· Labor Relations & Payroll

· Legal Representation

· Workers Comp

· Tuition Reimbursement

Call 973-643-8430 or visit our website or email  to address these or any other concerns you may have.   

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