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Newark Community Schools Initiative


Successful meeting with Mayor Baraka around the South Ward Community Schools Initiative. AFT National Pres Randi Weingarten pledged full support.

On March 2, students at Barringer High School came to Franklin Elementary School to read to the students! 

Check out our album


Thursday, March 17, 2015 from 3:45 -5:15p- “Driving Towards Success: Introductory to Google Drive”. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2015 from 3:45 -5:45pm -  “Spark Up!:  Navigating the SPARK Curriculum Website

Wednesday, April 6, 2016, 3:45 – 5:15pm  – “Professional Improvement Fund at Its Best

Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 4:15 – 5:15pm – “Let’s Learn Kahoot!



1)      New Website and emails:  This is just a reminder.  Newark Teachers Union changed our website months ago.  The old website no longer automatically forwards, so if you are looking for us, please go to  The new NTU website is regularly updated with a wide variety of important information, including a calendar of events, and how to’s for topics like FMLA’s.  If you have anything you’d like added to the website (kudos, pictures/videos from your school, etc), just send it to

In addition, all of the NTU staff are now


Terrific video produced by the American Federation of Teachers on the history of the Newark Teachers Union.  Featuring former President Carole Graves and current Secretary/Treasurer Michael R. Iovino.


In June of 2015 when I testified against your appointment as Newark school Superintendent, before the NJ State BOE I claimed then and every action you have taken since then proves that I was right—you came here to finish the job. The job of charterizing the entire district. I know the pretext under which you were sent here—to return local control, etc. but what do you plan on returning to us? A chartered district with a few segregated schools for Special Needs and a building or two for Bilingual and ELL.
As Superintendent you continue to waste tens of millions on lawsuits against tenured