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Why I am so adamant about School Improvement Panel’s,  TeachNJ and the Peer Oversight Committee?  See the attached tenure case we recently won.  This Decision is scathing on so many levels, that while I generally do not assign required reading, I feel compelled to do so in this case for the sake of teachers as well as students.

This is a case where the district committed every possible disservice they could against the teacher and the students of these schools!  From the Decision, “As for the School Improvement Panel, I note the District either did not have such a panel or, while one



NPS recently sent out the attached forms regarding the NJEA convention that REQUIRE informing your administrator of your intention to attend by November 1st.  A recent arbitration award won by the NTU indicates there are NO SUCH LIMITATIONS on when you can decide to go. That said, the NTU does recommend that you let your administrator know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.    

In addition, we have worked with NPS to ensure that staff can use the Professional Improvement Fund monies to attend the NJEA Convention, and have attached the procedures and forms here. YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL THE


Brothers & Sisters:

I am cautiously optimistic in reporting out the results of Wednesday’s NTU Executive Board Meeting.  As we are all anxious to hear about the contract, I’ll get to that first:

The Negotiation Team (Michael Iovino, Carmen Lopez-Wolf, Ronnie Carney, John Cunha, Nancy Gianni, and Michael Maillaro) reported to the board that there was enough favorable movement at Wednesday’s negotiation session to schedule another meeting on November 9th.  Certain deal breaker proposals were taken off the table and favorable proposals temporarily agreed upon.  Salary and benefits were also


Dear Colleagues,

1)    Respect the Contract Update – Reports of RTC success keep coming in; sadly, so do reminders of why we fight. At an NPS discipline hearing last week, a teacher was disciplined for coming in 10 minutes late (five 2 minute occurrences) while the district neglected to take into consideration that he had spent the last five years staying a half hour late each day assisting disadvantaged students.

He will not stay late any more.

We have scheduled to resume negotiations with the Newark Public Schools on 10/19. Let's show our negotiations team we support them by fighting within the



1)       Respect the Contract: Attendance Counselors - Teachers, Aides and Clerks are NOT Attendance Counselors!! If the NPS wants Attendance Counselors then they should call them back to work. Schools have been asking staff to call parents any time their students are absent during their lunch or perp periods.  There isn't enough time in your day; instruction, prep periods, etc are NOT to be used to do someone else's job. Use the tools in our Respect the Contract toolkit to protect yourself!

2)       Respect the Contract: Prep Period Survey - Prep Periods are NOT free periods...they