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NBOE Teacher Talk


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff,

Superintendent León envisioned a system of experiences for each child that extended learning. The goal of these extended classroom experiences is for students to deepen learning. Three extended classroom experiences for all students have been designed. You are the bridge between the learning in the classroom and the field. The matrix that outlines these experiences by grade level can be found here.

Upcoming Event: 2nd Annual Women’s Leadership Conference

Deputy Superintendent Johnson is excited to share that she will be hosting the second annual


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff,

Welcome back. We hope that you enjoyed the holiday and feel unhurried and rested. I want to highlight two residencies for teachers that are upcoming and highly recommended.

  1. The Office of English Language Arts, in collaboration with the Newark Teachers Union, is offering paid ($41/hour) 90-minute Guided Reading workshops for 2 to 3 consecutive weeks for K-5 teachers to design and manage meaningful small group literacy experiences in the classroom. Location will be shared with registrants. You can find more information

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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff,

“S..L..O..W.. it all down. Pause from your full calendar and long task list. Take a moment or ten- to simply be. To remind yourself that this is life, right here and right now. To reacquaint yourself with your pulsing heart and your incredible body that allows you to do all that you do. To remember that life is precious and fragile and should be lived in love. To remind yourself that whatever is happening or wherever you find yourself in your journey, it is all as it is supposed to be.”
-Nikki Banas

The Office of


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,

I had occasion this weekend to visit several high schools as they welcomed and began teaching junior year students at Saturday Academies. What struck me as being most profound was the community among students, administrators, teachers, and security guards that fueled interest and attendance. The familiarity and friendliness shown by students in cafeterias, hallways, and classrooms reminded me that the sum of teaching is always greater than what we might initially calculate. Since the report, “A Nation


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff, 

This week, I want to share Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12 (2021) with you. It is a must read.

Liljedahl’s research codifies necessary changes/revisions for educators to make to develop students’ thinking as the primary purpose of class. Liljedahl contrasts “studenting” with thinking. Studenting are behaviors that lead students to completing tasks efficiently by following directions, answering questions, filling in worksheets, following protocols, as opposed to actually


From: Teacher Talk
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 1:06 PM
To: Teacher Talk
Subject: Teacher Talk: 11/07/22


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff, 

A few of us in Teaching and Learning are reading Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom by Pamela Seda and Kendall Brown. Early in the text the authors write:

“Traditional classrooms reinforce the idea that the teacher is the arbiter of knowledge who dispenses to those who dutifully follow their instructions. The culturally relevant teacher, however, does not view knowledge as static, but


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,

This past week, the Council of Great City Schools held its 66th Annual Fall Conference. This organization brings together 77 of the nation’s largest urban public school systems in a coalition dedicated to the improvement of education for children in the inner cities.

The district is proud to share that Director Marisol Diaz and Special Assistant Jazleen Othman presented how Newark Public Schools are preventing reading difficulties. District leaders from across the country were introduced to the


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,

I have been thinking about the value of micro-interventions after visiting 50 classrooms during the last few weeks. Micro-interventions are brief supports, such as feedback, adaptation, and reteaching that teachers provide during the live lesson to assist a student or group of learners struggling to attain the lesson’s learning intention before the lesson ends. As the lesson unfolds, micro-interventions can be used to alter student interactions with the curriculum, allowing the temporary support to


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Message From Dr. Reilly


Dear Teachers and Staff,

During the past few summers, brilliant work by our educators have produced important enrichment opportunities for students. This last summer saw students engaged in the High School Musical Theater (HSMT) and the Middle School Summer Stem Academy (MSSSA).

We recognize summer as an important time to reinforce and extend school-year learning while offering enrichment activities and opportunities not available during the school year. In preparation for summer 2023, Superintendent Léon is inviting proposals for summer


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Message From Dr. Reilly

Dear Teachers and Instructional Staff,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year.

Please join me in congratulating, University High School English teacher, Stephanie Bowles-Jones, on the publication of her novel this summer, Quilting a Legacy. Ms. Jones, we are so proud of you. Additionally, we would also like to congratulate Ann Street Vice Principal, Elaine Mendez, for her upcoming publication, The New Leader's Guide to Early Childhood Settings: Making an Impact in PreK-3. Thank you for contributing to the scholarship in this field. 
