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NBOE Teacher Talk

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Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff, 
All day, I kept returning to a sentence from the new Richard Powers’ novel, Bewilderment. The narrator, Theo Byrne, an astrobiologist, says: 
Watching medicine fail my child, I developed a crackpot theory: Life is something we need to stop correcting. 
I don’t know why that sentence resonated, but I think it has something to do with the tenuousness of living 18-months during a pandemic and how sustained stress worries a body, a kind of erosion of the spirit. There is a grace though that comes from simply


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Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff,

The last week has been humbling. Tuesday and the days following found me, like all of central office, spending mornings at one of our schools and in my case delivering young, crying children to their classrooms. Without exception, those occasions ended with the teacher receiving the child with care, love, and a plan. I watched as teachers greeted children by name, and had ready a space in the room and a fun task to do. Within minutes, the once sobbing child was quiet and engaged in the work. This happened repeatedly.

I hope you make space


Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Excellent teachers make a significant difference in students´ lives during the year they teach them and beyond. On behalf of the Office of Teaching & Learning, I would like to congratulate all school-based Teachers of the 2020-2021 School Year! We are grateful for your ingenuity, dedication to students, and exemplary practice.  

I would like to acknowledge DeJanee Martinez of Bruce Street School for the Deaf, for being selected as Newark's Teacher of the Year. Congratulations and continue to be the inspiration that you are for all! 

Have a wonderful week.



Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Dear  Teachers and Staff:

We are committed to making next school year a safe and positive learning experience for our students. To that end, parents, district employees, and students in grades 6-12 are asked to complete a quick survey to help the district fine tune how federal funding will be used to help sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  Your feedback and input are valuable and will help inform the district’s Safe Return Plan, which will be available on the district’s website on June 24, 2021.

1. Here is a 

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Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Dear Teachers & Staff, 

I want to echo the message John Abeigon, your NTU President, sent on Friday. He quoted Neil Gaiman who said, "I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly; you're doing something."

I hope you will remain curious and in doing so embrace that wide-awake living that Gaiman

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Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Good Morning Teachers and Staff,
Maya Angelou in speaking about reading and books said, “When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.”

We are so excited to share this year's summer reading book lists. It is a terrific collection. As in the past, all students will receive a physical, not electronic, book. These books allow the reader opportunities to


Message from Dr. Mary Ann Reilly

Dear Teachers and Staff,

I hope this extended weekend brought you the opportunity to not only enjoy time with your loved ones, but to also reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day. May the commitment of our heroes inspire you to serve in ways that you can. 

As we enter the month of June, let us continue to look for creative and inspiring ways to serve students and encourage lifelong learners. Distance learning has taught us the importance of valuing learning wherever it takes place in life. 

In addition, please find important information below for your review:

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