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NTU Updates

Click here for this week's NTU Update!

In This Issue:

1) End of the Year Updates 

2) RIP Keshia Green

3) Evaluation Update

4) Update on Responsible Collective Negotiations Act

And More!


Click here for this week's update

In This Issue:

1) History in perspective - Juneteenth

2) Take Action: Support the Responsible Collective Negotiations Act

3) End of Year Updates

4) Employee Assistance Program

And Much More!


In today's Teacher Talk, the district sent out a revised pay schedule.  As we mentioned in last week's NTU Update, we had some concerns about the initial version of the 10 month calendar pay schedule.  The solution they have put together advances our staff an immediate 4 day check on the first week of work instead of having to wait until Sept 17 to get any pay. These 4 days will be pulled from future checks as outlined here by the Payroll Dept;

The four days will be paid up front and be taken back on the following 4 pays:

  • 10/15/2021
  • 11/12/2021
  • 4/29/2022 (third pay with no deductions)
  • 7/8/2022

Click here for this week's update

In This issue:

1) Two different schools, same district Part 2

2) Evaluation Update

3) Kudos

4) Teacher of the Year

5) 2021-2022 Pay Calendar

And More!


Click here for this week's update

In This Issue 

1) Two Different Schools, Same District (Part 1)

2) Safe School Reopening Survey

3) Evaluation Rebuttal

4) Personal Day Buyback

5) NTU Scholarships

6) How to check if you are a member



Click here for this week's update!

In This Issue:

1) Giving back to the community

2) Evaluations Update

3) Employee Assistance Program

4) Discretionary Funds - LAST CALL!

5) Non Tenured Update - LAST CALL!

6) Personal Day Buy Back



Just a few quick items that came up this morning.  We will still be releasing our normal weekly update on Friday

1) First Ave School - AFT President Randi Weingarten, Superintendent Leon and I spoke at First Avenue School today about school reopening and how proud we are of the staff and students of Newark.    You can watch the video over on Facebook.

3) No Dime Left Behind - DON'T FORGET TO USE YOUR ENTIRE $300 discretionary fund!   
"As per District policy, in order to be reimbursed in the amount of $300.00 for

Click here for this week's issue

In This Update!

1) Try Something New!

2) ILP Update

3) Evaluation Update

4) Non-tenured Notice

And More!


Click here for this week's update

In this Issue:

1) Evaluation Rebuttals

2) Discretionary Fund Update

3) Non Tenured Update

4) NBOE Approved Vendors (Aflac, etc)

5) AFT Update

6) Escrow Update

And much more


Late Breaking News!  While we were putting this issue to bed, we had a meeting with NBOE, and there were some additional updates I wanted to get out!

- Salary Guide Advancement:  For staff who will be moving to the Earned MA or Earned PhD guides for September, they MUST have their transcripts into the district by July 1, 2021!   Send the transcripts to

- Personal Day Buy Back: The forms for Personal Day Buy Back will be coming out around June 1, and staff will have two weeks to send them back in.

Click here for this week's update!

In This Week's Update

1) Around the