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NTU Updates

In This Issue:

1) Happy Thanksgiving!

2) Member of the Week

3) PowerSchool PD @ NTU

4) NTU Hall of Fame/Scholarships

5) AFT Student Debt Assistance



Click here for this week's update!

In This issue:

1) Did you register for your free NTU T-Shirt?

2) No Paper towels until December??? Not on our watch!

3) It's our honor to serve

4) Member of the Week

5) Benefits Open Enrollment ends November 20th!

6) Loan Forgiveness



Click here for this week's NTU Update!

Editors' Note: There will not be an issue of the NTU Update next week because of the shortened week.

In This Issue:

1) Newark kids are failing. Why take droves of school officials to a luxury hotel?

2) Nothing Free from Me!

3) RSVP to Mandates

4) NTU Member of the Week

5) Wear Blue Pictures

6) Open Enrollment Update



Click here for printable version


Reminder!  Set your social media page to the NTU logo below!

NTU logo
On November 6th to 10th, we will be doing " NOTHING FREE FROM ME" week!  More info to come next week!
AND ASK YOUR NTU BUILDING REP ABOUT GETTING YOUR FREE NTU T-SHIRT!  If you don't have a rep, send an email to

In This Issue:

1) Ending Disruptions in the classroom

2) Standing united

3) Wear Blue Friday Pictures

4) Membership Meeting

5) NBOE Wellness Fair

6) NTU Member of the week

7) Share My Lesson - AI

And Much More!


In This issue:

1) Workers everywhere face same issues

2) Give yourself a raise, before the holidays!

3) NTU Contract Meetings

4) NTU Member of the Week

5) Strike Protections

6) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan

And More!!


IMPORTANT!  Next week, we are asking that everyone "Wear Blue if you are NTU!"  We want all members to wear blue to show we stand in solidarity!  Please take pictures and send them to be featured in future issues!


Click here for this week's NTU Update

In This Issue:

1) Recontextualizing Educator Salary

2) Responding to Feedback

3) NTU Membership Meeting

4) Member of the Week

5) COVID Update

6) Verizon Innovative Learning HQ

7) NBOE Health and Wellness Fair

And more!

Printable PDF version

MEMBERSHIP MEETING!  In this week's NTU Update, you will see a flyer for our upcoming NTU Contract Meetings for October 14 and October 28.  In order to make sure every segment of the members gets to bring their individual issues forward, we are scheduling four sessions, each focusing on a different group of NTU Members.   At these sessions, we will be discussing the results of our earlier surveys and meetings, and laying out some of the next steps for contract negotiations.  
Please sign up ONLY for the session that best reflects their title.  Thank you!